The Water Protection Forum is a workgroup made up of representatives from the department, industry (both public and private), professional consultants, environmental groups, regulatory agencies and citizens interested in water quality issues. The forum was designed to provide an opportunity to engage in discussion related to clean water topics. Department team members present on topics of interest to the group. Stakeholders or other members of the public may also provide presentations related to clean water or related topics.
Meetings are held as needed and are open to everyone. Attendance at these meetings may be in person, by conference call or through Webex. The department will attempt to correct technical difficulties as they arise, but the department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call option. The meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.
If there are issues you would like to discuss during the meeting, you will need to notify the department before the meeting. Suggestions for discussion can be sent by email to waterprotectionforum@dnr.mo.gov. Individuals requiring special services or accommodations in order to attend a meeting can make arrangements by contacting the staff coordinator noted below at least 48 hours before the meeting. Hearing- and speech-impaired individuals may contact the staff coordinator through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966. Translation or interpretation services will be provided upon request at no charge. Call 573-522-9395 for assistance.
Staff Coordinator: Krista Welschmeyer, Water Protection Program, krista.welschmeyer@dnr.mo.gov, 573-751-6721
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Video Attendance Available! |
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms 1101 Riverside Drive Jefferson City, Missouri |
Meeting Video Attendance Available! |
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms 1101 Riverside Drive Jefferson City, Missouri |
Meeting Video Attendance Available! |
Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms 1101 Riverside Drive Jefferson City, Missouri |
Past Meetings
Advisory Groups
Current Advisory Groups
- Antidegradation Implementation Procedures Workgroup
- Capacity Development Strategy Advisory Committee
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Workgroup
- Sanitary Sewer Overflow Workgroup
- Water Quality Standards Workgroup
Past Advisory Groups
- Agriculture Rules
- Clean Water Fees
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund Affordability Workgroup
- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Operating Permits
- Continuing Authorities
- Federal Safe Drinking Water Rules/ Design Guide
- Funding/ Staff/ Resources
- Nutrient Trading Workgroup
- Recreational Use Attainability Analysis Protocol
- Residential Housing Wastewater Advisory Group
- Small Flows (<22,500 gal/day) Effluent Limits/ Lagoon/ Pesticides Policy
- Small Systems Workgroup
- State Revolving Fund (SRF) Priority Points/ Process
- Wet Weather Issues
- About Us
- Beaches
- Calendar
- Careers
- Professional Certifications and Trainings
- Commissions, Boards, Councils
- Communications
- Compliance Assistance and Enforcement
- Contaminant Spotlight
- Data and e-Services
- Disaster Resources
- Document Search
- Earth Day
- Fees
- Financial Assistance Opportunities
- Forms and Applications
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Get Involved
- Laws, Rules and Regulations
- Missouri DNR Photo Contest
- Missouri Resources
- Monitoring
- Permits, Certifications, Registrations and Licenses
- Public Notices/ Public Comment Periods
- Publications and Fact Sheets
- Reporting
- Sites of Interest
- State Fair
- Success Stories
- Sunshine Law Requests
- What We're Doing
Contact Information
Water Protection Program
Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States