Rules and regulations books sitting on a desk in a library

The Clean Water Rulemaking group is a stakeholder group organized by the department to discuss state water quality and wastewater regulations. The group provides input and assistance to the department in developing and refining Missouri’s clean water regulations (10 CSR 20).


Meetings are held as needed and are open to everyone. Attendance at these meetings may be in person, by conference call or through Webex. The department will attempt to correct technical difficulties as they arise, but the department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call option. The meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.

If there are issues you would like to discuss during the meeting, you will need to notify the department before the meeting. You can do this by emailing the staff coordinator noted below. Individuals requiring special services or accommodations in order to attend a meeting can make arrangements by contacting the staff coordinator at least 48 hours before the meeting. Hearing- and speech-impaired individuals may contact the staff coordinator through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966. Translation or interpretation services will be provided upon request at no charge. Call 573-522-9395 for assistance.

Staff Coordinator: Susan Mills, Water Pollution Control Branch,, 573-526-1386

Public Notices

There are no currently active Clean Water Rulemaking Public Notices/ Public Comments.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no new meetings currently scheduled. Please check back, because we anticipate new information soon!

Past Meetings


Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri

This meeting focused on reviewing, revising or updating the Wastewater Minimum Design Standards in 10 CSR 20-8.140, Wastewater Treatment Plant Works, as part of the department's Clean Water Rulemaking. This meeting focused on the technical aspects of the rule, including a discussion on updates to the minimum setback distances from residences and property lines, along with chemical handling.  

Additional Materials:


Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri

This meeting focused on reviewing, revising or updating the Wastewater Minimum Design Standards in 10 CSR 20-8, as part of the department's Clean Water Rulemaking. This meeting focused on the technical aspects of 10 CSR 20-8.140, Wastewater Treatment Plant Works, including a discussion on updates to the minimum setback distances from wells and updates to chemical handling.

Additional Materials:


Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Jefferson City, Missouri

This meeting focused on reviewing, revising or updating the Wastewater Minimum Design Standards in 10 CSR 20-8, as part of the department's Clean Water Rulemaking. This meeting will focus on the technical aspects of 10 CSR 20-8.140, Wastewater Treatment Plant Works, including a discussion on updates to the minimum requirements on electrical controls, fencing and barriers around the treatment plant, ventilation, emergency storage and chemical handling. 

Additional Materials:

Ongoing Discussions

Land Application of Wastewater and Wastewater Treatment Residuals (10 CSR 20-2.010 and 10 CSR 20-6.015)

Due to a recent decision by the Missouri Fertilizer Control Board, companies and businesses previously authorized to land apply certain sludges, biosolids and other process wastes will no longer be exempt from department permitting requirements. The department is meeting with those that are interested, to revise these regulations to include nutrient management and land application practices for these facilities. Draft regulation documents are provided below. For more detailed information, please visit the department's Land Application of Wastewater and Wastewater Treatment Residuals webpage.

Wastewater Treatment Facilities (10 CSR 20-8.140)

The department is meeting with those that are interested, to review, revise or update the minimum design standards for systems that are part of wastewater collection and treatment systems. Discussions for updates to this regulation will be spread out over several meetings. Discussion materials will be provided below as they become available.

Construction and Operating Permits (10 CSR 20-6.010)

The department is meeting with those that are interested, to review, revise or update the regulations pertaining to Missouri State Operating Permits. Discussions for updates to this regulation will be spread out over several meetings. Discussion materials will be provided below as they become available.