As part of our mission to protect human health and the environment, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources works to inform and educate the public about the activities we oversee. We created this document search to provide a way for you to search hundreds of documents pertaining to the activities at the Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill. You can narrow down the number of documents by using one or all of the filter fields below.

  • Subject: Refers to the document subject. You may select more than one subject by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting multiple subjects.
  • Frequency: Refers to how often the report is produced. Several reports are released on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. You may select more than one frequency by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting multiple frequencies.
  • Date Range: If you know when the document was published, you can search by date range. This date corresponds to the "Document Date" in the table below. Leave this section blank if you do not know when the document was released or if you are searching for documents from all available dates.

Note: Because of the number of documents produced, with regards to reports that are produced on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, only the current calendar year and two previous calendar years are available on this webpage. To review or obtain older reports, please contact the department’s Waste Management Program by email at

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the document to appear. If you are not able to find the document you are searching for, use less criteria.

Date(s) Between
Title Sort descending Document Date Frequency Subject
Bridgeton Quarterly Slip Failure and Separation Assessment, Q2 2022 Quarterly Subsidence and Stability
Bridgeton Quarterly Slip Failure and Separation Assessment, Q3 2021 Quarterly Subsidence and Stability
Bridgeton Quarterly Slip Failure and Separation Assessment, Q3 2022 Quarterly Subsidence and Stability
Bridgeton Quarterly Slip Failure and Separation Assessment, Q4 2021 Quarterly Subsidence and Stability
Bridgeton Quarterly Slip Failure and Separation Assessment, Q4 2022 Quarterly Subsidence and Stability
Bridgeton Quarterly Volatile Organic Compounds Air Sampling Report, Q1 2021 Quarterly Air Monitoring
Bridgeton Response to Comments and Monitoring Frequency Reduction Request, Nov., 2022 No Frequency Other
Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill Ambient Air Response Alert Protocol No Frequency Other
Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill Groundwater Investigation Report No Frequency Groundwater
Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill Groundwater Investigation Report, Appendix G: Report on Redox Reactions No Frequency Groundwater