Heavy machinery moving solid waste at the Backridge Landfill

Missouri solid waste disposal areas and solid waste processing facilities designated by rule, must be operated under the direction of a certified solid waste technician. The department's Waste Management Program administers the certification program and provides classes and other opportunities to help you stay up-to-date on your three-year certification. 

Certification Course

The department reduced the frequency of the Solid Waste Technician Certification Course to once per year. Course dates will be posted below as they become available. For more information or questions, contact the Waste Management Program.

Upcoming Training

The 2025 course was open from Feb. 24, 2025, to Feb. 28, 2025. The next next course will be held in 2026. Please check back at the end of the year for more information.

New Certification: Individuals obtaining a new certification must also complete an online certification test. The test link will be sent to you after you have finished the course.

Recertification: This course will satisfy recertification hours for individuals with a non-expired certification. If your certification expires in 2025, and you do not have additional training planned that can be used for recertification, it is recommended that you attend this course to prevent your certification from expiring.


Current certification holders must earn 10 hours of approved training before their certification expiration date. Course options include:

  • The Solid Waste Technician Certification Course provided by the department. The class meets once a year for the number of hours required for recertification.
  • Courses or trainings in the solid waste field.
  • Attending educational sessions on solid waste-related topics in the annual Missouri Waste Control Coalition Conference.

Regardless of which method you choose to acquire your recertification credit hours, you must accrue at least 10 hours of classes or training before your three-year certificate expires to be recertified. The department's Waste Management Program must approve training or class subjects in order for you to apply them towards recertification. Submit documentation to the department's Waste Management Program at wmp@dnr.mo.gov.