Two NI 320 underground storage tanks in the process of being installed

An underground storage tank, also called a UST, is defined as a tank, and any underground piping connected to the tank, that has at least 10% of its combined volume underground. Depending on what is stored in the UST and the USTs purpose, the UST may be required to meet certain requirements under Missouri's Underground and Petroleum Storage Tank Law. Businesses or individuals that own a UST need to determine if their UST is regulated. 

Note: Above ground storage tanks are regulated by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

All regulated USTs must be registered with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources no later than 30 days after bringing the tank into operation (dispensing fuel or using the product for its intended purpose). USTs that store either petroleum or certain hazardous substances are regulated. The following USTs are not regulated:

  • Farm and residential tanks with a capacity of 1,100 gallons or less, storing motor fuel used for noncommercial purposes
  • Tanks storing heating oil used on the premises where it is stored
  • Tanks on or above the floor of underground areas, such as basements or tunnels
  • Septic tanks and systems used for collecting stormwater and wastewater
  • Flow-through process tanks
  • Tanks with a capacity of 110 gallons or less
  • Emergency spill and overfill tanks

For a summary of Missouri UST data maintained by the department, visit Missouri Underground Storage Tanks Database

Length of Registration

Between one to five years for the initial registration.

Laws, Rules and Regulations

How to Apply


The UST owner completes an application with an original ink signature. 

Submit the completed form to the department, to the address listed on the application form. The department will mail a billing statement to the owner for the registration fee when it is due.

Note: Fees are paid on a five-year cycle, which starts October 1 of each year. Your facility may not receive an invoice until the following year.


  • Registration fee - $75 per tank

Timeline/ Process

The average processing time for the registration is 10 days from receipt. The department will request additional information if the application is not complete, which will delay the review process.

Public Participation

No public participation or notice is required.


Other Requirements

Any tank that is in use (contains product) must comply with all related UST regulations. Once a tank is brought into operation for the first time, “in use” is based solely on whether the tank contains product and is not related to whether or not product is being used or dispensed. For information about financial responsibility requirements, visit Underground Storage Tank Financial Responsibility. For information about installation, inspection and compliance requirements, visit the department's Underground Storage Tank Requirements webpage.

When a UST is "out of use", it means the tank has been emptied so that no more than one inch of product remains, or that no more than 0.3% by weight of the total capacity remains. Once a tank is taken out of use, a site assessment must be conducted within 12 months. Tanks that remain out of use must be permanently closed within five years of being taken out of use (not associated with the date of the assessment). For information about UST cleanup and closure, visit Regulated Storage Tank Cleanup and Closure


A certificate of registration is valid for five years for facilities in compliance (complaint inspection, maintaining financial responsibility, paying required fees, no outstanding compliance issues). The department will mail a billing statement to the owner for the registration fee on a five-year cycle. An updated registration form is required if the owner information or tank equipment and operation changes. 

  • Registration fee - $75 per tank per five-year period 


Updating Registration

Owners of regulated USTs must ensure the registration on file with the department remains current and accurate. Owners are required to submit an amended registration form whenever changes are made to a UST system, including name or ownership changes. Please review the department's Underground Storage Tank Summary database to check the accuracy of your UST registration information.

Transferring Registration

If the business has a change in ownership, an updated registration form and proof of financial responsibility are required.