Heavy machinery moving solid waste inside a transfer station

A solid waste processing facility is any facility where solid wastes are transferred from one container to another or are processed. Types of facilities include transfer stations, material recovery facilities, infectious waste facilities, solid waste incinerators and compost facilities. Activities performed at these facilities include transferring waste from one container to another, consolidating waste loads for transport, separating waste for recycling, recovering waste for sale or re-use, treating waste to kill pathogens and incinerating waste. For more information about each type of facility and a list of operating solid waste processing facilities, visit Operating Solid Waste Processing Facilities.

According to Code of State Regulations 10 CSR 80-2, companies that want to construct or operate a solid waste processing facility in Missouri are required to obtain the necessary solid waste permits. Permitting a solid waste processing facility consists of two separate permits, a construction permit and an operating permit. An operating permit is a legally binding, enforceable document that lists what solid wastes can be accepted and identify any special handling requirements. An operating permit must be obtained before the solid waste processing facility may begin accepting waste. 

For a list of operating solid waste processing facilities, visit Operating Solid Waste Processing Facilities. For information about draft permits currently on public notice or public meetings and hearings scheduled for any permits under review, visit Waste and Recycling Public Notices.

Note: Some facilities or operations may be allowed an exemption to operate without a solid waste processing facility permit. Waste processing that salvages materials, sorts out items for re-use and does not generate waste to go to a landfill may not require a permit. These material processing operations must not cause any public health or environmental problems to retain its permit-exempt status. To learn more about whether an activity requires solid waste processing facility permits, visit Activities Potentially Exempt from Solid Waste Regulations

Length of Permit

The life of the facility. 

Laws, Rules and Regulations

How to Apply


The permit applicant applies for an operating permit after the applicant receives a Solid Waste Processing Facility Construction Permit and constructs all pre-operational features.


The permit applicant submits the following information:

  • A letter, sent by certified mail and signed by the owner/ operator and a professional engineer, stating the pre-operational features of the solid waste processing facility have been completed in compliance with the construction permit and approved engineering plans.
  • Any necessary as-built drawings.


  • Application fee - $1,000 (non-refundable)

The applicant also is responsible for reimbursing the department for all engineering review costs incurred by the department during the application review, up to a maximum of $4,000. Applicants who withdraw their application before the department completes its evaluation are required to reimburse the department for costs incurred in the evaluation.

*The current fee rates are outline in section 260.205.5.(6), RSMo.

Timeline/ Process

If the permit application meets all statutory and regulatory requirements and the local governmental authority confirms the proposed facility meets all local requirements, the department must issue a permit. The department does not have the authority to override the local governmental authority’s decision regarding local requirements.

  • The department will complete a review of the permit application and request additional information if the application is not complete, which will delay the review process.
  • The department will conduct an inspection to make sure all pre-operational features were constructed according to the approved plans and construction permit.
  • The department must issue or deny the operating permit within 60 days of receiving the permit application. 

Public Participation

Appeal Procedures

Anyone who is adversely affected or aggrieved by the department's decision to issue, deny, suspend or revoke the permit may be entitled to pursue an appeal before the Administrative Hearing Commission. The petition must be filed with the commission within 30 days of the decision, according to the procedures outlined in section 621.250, RSMo. For more information, please review the Administrative Hearing Commission's Frequently Asked Questions webpage.


Only solid wastes for which the facility has been specifically designed and performance tested to manage can be accepted. A solid waste processing facility permitted to treat or process infectious waste must follow additional requirements.

Tonnage Reporting and Fees

All solid waste accepted at sanitary or demolition landfills in Missouri and all solid waste (including infectious waste) transported from transfer stations in Missouri for disposal out of the state are subject to tonnage fees, according to Missouri Revised Statues, section 260.330, RSMo. Facilities are required to submit specific reports to the department. For more information, visit Solid Waste Tonnage Reporting and Fees.


There is no renewal process. The permit is issued for the life of the facility.


Permit Modifications and Revocations

According to Missouri Revised Statutes section 260.230, RSMo., if the department determines a processing facility is in violation of state or federal laws, or creating a public nuisance or health hazard, the department may order the facility to make alterations to its storage, collection, transportation, processing or disposal systems to correct such violation. In the event a permit is suspended or revoked, the person named in the permit will be fully informed as to the reasons for such action.

Permit Transfers

Operating permits are transferable as a permit modification.

Fact Sheets

Other Forms