A business that operates an incinerator is used to burn waste material, especially industrial waste, at high temperatures. Incineration converts the waste into ash, flue gas and heat used to generate electricity.
You may need some or all of the following permits for a Incinerator:
Air Intermediate Operating Permit
If your business is required to obtain a Part 70 Operating Permits but accepts voluntary, practically enforcement limitation to reduce emissions to less than 100 tons per year of any regulated pollutant and is less than 10 tons per year of any single hazardous air pollutant and less than 25 tons per year of any combined hazardous air pollutant, you may require an Air Intermediate Operating Permit to address potential air emissions. |
Air Major Construction Permit Sections (7), (8) & (9)
If your business plans to construct a new installation or modify an existing minor installation and the project has the potential to emit more than major emission levels of a regulated air containment or construct a new installation or modify an existing major installation and the project has the potential to emit more than the minor levels per year, you may require an Air Major Construction Permit Sections (7), (8) & (9) to address potential air emissions. |
Air Minor Construction Permit Section (5)
If your business plans to construct a new installation or modify an existing minor installation and the project has the potential to emit less than major source levels per year; or you plan to construct a new installation or modify an existing major installation and the project has the potential to emit less than the minor levels per year, you may require an Air Minor Construction Permit to address potential air emissions. |
Air Part 70 Operating Permit
If your business has the potential to emit greater than 100 tons per year of any regulated pollutant, has the potential to emit greater than 100 tons per year of any single hazardous air pollutant, or greater than 25 tons per year of combined hazardous air pollutants, or is required by a New Source Performance Standard or a Maximum Achievable Control Technology, you may require an Air Part 70 Operating Permit. |
Air Permits-by-Rule Construction Permit
If your business operates a printing operation, crematory or animal incinerator, surface coating or livestock market, you may require an Air Permit-by-Rule Construction Permit to address potential air emissions. By applying for this permit rather than a De Minimis or Minor Construction Permit, your business agrees to certain conditions of operation. |
Dam and Reservoir Safety Registration Permit
If you own an existing dam built prior to Aug. 13, 1981 that is 35 feet or more in height, you are required to obtain a Dam and Reservoir Safety Registration Permit. |
Hazardous Waste Generator Registration
If you produce or store some form of hazardous waste as a result of your business processes, you may be required to register as a hazardous waste generator. |
Hazardous Waste/ Infectious Waste Transporter License
If you or your business plans to transport hazardous waste including waste oil, explosives, gases, flammable and combustible liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers and organic peroxides, poisons, radioactive materials, corrosives or infectious waste, you must obtain a Hazardous/ Infectious Waste Transporter License. |
Land Application of Domestic Wastewater Permit MOG823000
If your business is a no-discharge, private or domestic wastewater treatment facility with design flows of less than 50,000 gallons per day and land apply the wastewater, design flows of less than 50,000 gallons per day and plan to land apply the wastewater, you must obtain a Land Application of Domestic Wastewater MOG823000 master general permit. |
Public Drinking Water Construction Permit
If your business plans to construct a public water system that will supply drinking water to the public, you must obtain a Public Water Systems Construction Permit. You must obtain this permit if you also plan to complete the following construction projects to the water system: waterline extensions, waterline replacements, drilling water supply well, construction a storage tank, adding a disinfection system, treatment changes, building a pump station or other improvements or modifications. A public water system has at least 15 service connections or serves at least 25 people at least 60 days out of the year. If your business plans to connect to a permitted public water system, then you are not required to obtain this permit. |