Application Period is Open
As part of its Energy Loan Program, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources offers low-interest loans to communities for qualified energy-saving investments and energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to reduce energy use and cost.
By using loan financing, the loan recipient's tax dollars are freed up for essential services or other capital improvements. An energy-saving loan for schools and local governments is not defined as debt and therefore does not count against debt limits or require a public vote or bond issuance. The loan recipient also benefits from reduced energy costs and increased comfort of building occupants.
Loan recipients repay the loan with money saved on energy costs as a result of implementing energy efficiency projects. As the loans are repaid, the loan principal and interest earnings are recycled back into the state’s Energy Set-aside Fund. These funds are used to finance new loans to other recipients, allowing the funds to "revolve".
Information and Assistance
The department encourages potential applicants to contact the department's Division of Energy for information and assistance. Please refer to the Notice of Funding Opportunity for more information. The Energy Loan Program can be reached at 573-751-2254 or energyloanprogram@dnr.mo.gov.