Waste Management Program fact sheet
Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore

Each hazardous waste generator is obligated to comply with various requirements to properly dispose of hazardous waste. This fact sheet summarizes the main things to do to when becoming a hazardous waste generator or when hazardous waste is no longer generated.

  • Register with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (department)
  • Pay your registration fees
  • Submit reports
  • If hazardous waste is no longer generated, inactivate registration


All small quantity and large quantity generators of hazardous waste are required to register with the department's Hazardous Waste Program by completing and filing a Notification of Regulated Waste Activity form (MO 780-1164). Conditionally exempt generators (those generating less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month and accumulating less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste at any one time) may choose to register also but are not required to do so. For purposes of registration, small quantity generators are those generating between 220 and 2,200 pounds of non-acute hazardous waste in a calendar month or accumulating 220 pounds or more before having it shipped off-site. Large quantity generators are those generating more than 2,200 pounds of non-acute hazardous waste or 2.2 pounds of acute hazardous waste in a calendar month.

To register your site as a hazardous waste generator, you must complete a Notification of Regulated Waste Activity MO 780-1164. Make a copy of the form for your records. Submit the original form, with an original ink signature, and the registration fee to:

Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Waste Management Program
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176

If an operation is conducted at more than one location within a city, county or state, each individual site producing hazardous waste will require a separate registration. After reviewing the registration form the Waste Management Program will issue two numbers to identify the site:

  • Missouri Generator Identification Number
  • EPA Generator Identification Number

Inactivating Your Registration

If a business or individual is no longer generating hazardous waste, it may inactivate its registration. To inactivate registration, the business or individual sends a letter to the department's Waste Management Program, requesting the inactivation of the registration. After the department receives the request and has confirmed all required reporting has been filed, the registration will be inactivated.

Reactivating Your Registration

If a business or individual has already been issued generator identification numbers at some point, but the registration has been inactive, an updated registration form and registration fee are required to reactivate the registration.


All small quantity and large quantity generators are required to file reports with the Waste Management Program. The form to use is the Generator’s Hazardous Waste Summary Report - Part 1  MO 780-1097. All information needed to complete this report is available in on your manifest documents. This version may be printed and filled out by hand or with a typewriter.

Additionally, the report may be filed through the department’s web based E-Reporting system, which is accessed through the Missouri Gateway for Environmental Management (MoGEM)


Generators of hazardous waste are required to pay certain fees each year based on the amount of waste generated and how the waste is disposed. Invoices for these fees are calculated based on information from the Generator’s Hazardous Waste Summary Report filed by each registered generator.

Invoices are sent each November to generators based on the amount of hazardous waste they reported during the previous reporting year. Payment for these invoices is due on or before Jan. 1. Failure to pay the assessed fees by the due date will result in a 15% late fee being added to the invoice total. For late payments of the land disposal fee, interest at the rate of 10% annually will be charged in addition to the 15% late fee.

Tonnage Fee

Generators with regulated quantities of hazardous waste are assessed the In-State Tonnage Fee based on the amount of waste they reported. This fee is $200 for the first ton or portion of a ton and $6.10 per ton or portion of a ton thereafter. The maximum fee is $57,000 per site. The minimum fee applies to those generating more than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month or accumulating that amount before shipping off-site.

Land Disposal Fee

Generators who dispose of their waste into or onto the land will also be charged $29.50 per ton for all waste disposed of in this manner. This fee is not charged unless 10 or more tons of waste is disposed of in this manner and there is no maximum fee.

Registration Renewal Fee

Generators that have hazardous waste on a continuing basis and must keep their registration active beyond the initial year of registration are required to pay an annual registration renewal fee. The fee is based on your generator status and follows the same schedule as the initial registration fee.

Additional Information

For more information