Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore
Overview of the System
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Waste Management Program's Hazardous Waste Generator e-Reporting System is a web-enabled system that allows generators to submit reports to the department. Generators are able to access the system using existing Internet connections or Internet service providers. The system provides generators the ability to view, submit, or revise the Generator’s Hazardous Waste Summary Report--MO 780-1097 or the Facility Summary Report--MO 780-0408, as well as review online or print their previously submitted reports. In essence, the system will serve as an electronic file cabinet to help generators manage their own reporting requirements and view previous electronic submittals. This system has all of the necessary legal, security and electronic signature functionality that allows the reports submitted through this system to be treated as though they had been submitted on paper with an original ink signature.
A generator can register any staff member as a “viewer," “preparer” or “certifier” but the “organizational official” must be an authorized representative of the generator. A site may have as many of each type of user that it chooses.
User rights and privileges are described below.
User Type |
Account Privileges |
Viewer |
Preparer |
Certifier |
Organizational Official |
System Access
The Hazardous Waste Generator E-Reporting system is accessed through the Missouri Gateway for Environmental Management (MoGEM). MoGEM is replacing the Citizen Application Gateway (CAG). If you were previously registered through the CAG, you will now have to register again through MoGEM. But, before registering, please be aware if you are already registered in MoGEM to use another application, you will not have to reregister, but you will have to log in to your account and add “HWG: Hazardous Waste Generators” as another program service that you will be using your account to access. Additionally, if you have already been accessing HWG through the CAG and you use your CAG user name as your user name for MoGEM, you will not have to request access to your sites, as that access will continue.
Missouri Gateway for Environmental Management
To register to access the system through MoGEM, you will need to go to the MoGEM login page and click the “Register” button. The “Register” button will take you to EPA’s Advanced Shared CROMERR Services (EPA’s SCS) page, where you will set up your user name, password and electronic signature (if it is required for your role). Clicking “Register” is the easiest way to add HWG as a Program Service if you have previously registered for another program. Once you are at EPA’s SCS page you can log in and then add the HWG service to your profile.
Upon reaching EPA’s SCS page, you will need to either choose “Register a new account”, if you have not previously registered in the MoGEM system; or, “Log in to my account”, if you have already registered through MoGEM for another of the department’s applications.
Following your choices you will be automatically set up with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources as your partner. Then choose “HWG: Hazardous Waste Generators” as the program service. Following your choice of program service, you will then need to choose one of the following roles; Viewer, Preparer, Certifier or Organizational Official. Only the Organizational Official and Certifier roles require an electronic signature. The role you choose here does not limit what role you can have in the e-Reporting system. However, if you will be choosing a role in the e-Reporting system that requires an electronic signature, you must choose either Organizational Official or Certifier at this point so you can set up your electronic signature.
Once you have chosen your role, follow the prompts to complete the registration process. If your role requires an electronic signature, the instructions for that process will be included in your registration steps. When the electronic signature registration process is complete and you return to MoGEM, you will then be required to finish the MoGEM registration process and can proceed to the hazardous waste e-Reporting system.
Requesting access to the e-Reporting System
If you have used the e-Reporting system while it was located in the CAG, and used the same user name when you registered through MoGEM, then you will not have to do anything further. You will still have access to the sites you were previously associated with. However, if you were a Certifier and would like to upgrade your role to Organizational Official, you can do that at this time. An Organizational Official is a Certifier who is allowed to manage other users of the e-Reporting system for your site(s). Once there is an Organizational Official for a site, the department will no longer manage the users of the system for that site. It is recommended each site have more than one Organizational Official. This will allow for company control of user management even when a particular Organizational Official leaves the company, or is otherwise unable to function in that role.
To request access to a site, you will need to go to the Facility Search tab. This tab is located between Home and Logout on the menu bar at the top of the screen. If you are not currently associated with any site, this will be the page you will land on when you enter the e-Reporting system. The search function works best if you search a single field at a time. Once the search results are displayed, choose the role you want for the particular site from the dropdown menu and click the “Associate” box. Once you have requested a Role/access to the site, an Organizational Official for the site, or the department if the site does not have an Organizational Official, will approve or deny your request for access.
To change your role with a site, you will first have to disassociate yourself from the site and then request access to the site again with the different role.
Organizational Officials
Once approved, an organizational official will have the responsibility to manage the users that have access to the site. New requests to associate to the site will appear on your home screen. The requestor’s name, requested role, facility name, ID numbers and site address will display along with both an Approve and Deny button.
On your home screen where you see your list of associated facilities, you will find a Manage Users button. Clicking that will take you to a screen where you will be able to see all users associated to the site. If a situation arises where you need to remove the access of a user, click on the user’s name and you will be taken to a screen where you can uncheck the “Active” box. This action will only impact the current site and does not affect any other sites to which the user is associated.
If you have any issues with any user management functions, please contact the system coordinator for assistance.
Acceptance as a Generator e-Reporting System User
After a request for access to a site has been received, the applicant will be notified by email from hazwastereport@dnr.mo.gov if they have been accepted as a user. If accepted, the user will receive an email informing them that their account has been activated in the e-Reporting system and that they may begin using the system. Users will receive a separate email for each site to which they are associated. If the request for access is denied, an email will be sent informing them that the request has been denied and letting them know who denied the request. They will have to contact the person that denied the request to determine why the request was denied. Once an Organizational Official is approved for a site, that person will then have access to approve or deny requests. There will be no difference in how the system functions, regardless of who approves or denies a request.
Procedures for Report Submissions
If using the Generator e-Reporting System, generators currently required to report on a quarterly basis will only be required to submit reports once per year. Reports may be entered into the system by two methods: Entry forms or Excel Upload.
- Entry Form: A Preparer, Certifier, or Organizational Official will select Add Generator Report or Add Facility Report. They may then proceed to fill out the necessary data fields and may save the report to return to it later, or submit it to the department. Only Certifiers or Organizational Officials may submit the report.
- Excel Upload: A Certifier or Organizational Official may upload an excel file, 780-1097 for generator reports or 780-0408 for facility reports. The system will only recognize those two excel files. The system will validate the information and allow users and the department to view the information in the same format as the Entry forms. If you need a copy of the Excel file(s) to upload reports, please send an email to hazwastereport@dnr.mo.gov to request the files.
Notifications from the System to the Users
The system will send email notifications to the users when certain actions are completed. These include:
- Registration complete: Users will be notified when their requested association to a site is complete.
- Report Approval: When a report is submitted to the department, it will be reviewed for accuracy and completion. If the report is approved, Certifiers and Organizational Officials will be notified.
- Report Rejection: When a report is submitted to the department it will be reviewed for accuracy and completion. If the report is rejected, Certifiers and Organizational Officials will be notified and information about why the report was rejected will be found at the bottom of the report’s front page in the DNR comments section.
Status of Reports
Any user can quickly check the status of any electronically submitted report through the system. The possible report statuses are as follows:
Status |
Explanation |
Unsubmitted |
The report has been saved to the system, but not yet certified and sent to the department. |
Submitted |
The report has been certified and is pending department review. |
Rejected |
Department review has identified some concerns with the submission, and we have returned the report to the user for corrections. |
Approved |
The report has been accepted and the generator (or facility) has completed their reporting requirement for that time period. |
Deactivation or Changing Accounts
When a user is to no longer have access to the e-Reporting system for a particular site, the Organizational Official should remove the user’s access for that site. Accounts cannot be completely inactivated as it is possible for users to still need access to the system for other sites. If a Certifier or Organizational Official is being deactivated from the account, the site must still have a user listed as a Certifier or Organizational Official in order to continue submitting reports through the system. If the Organizational Official being deactivated was the only active Organizational Official for the site, the management of users will revert to the department until a new Organizational Official is approved for the site.
Generator e-Reporting System Coordinator Contact Information
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Waste Management Program
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
Phone: 573-751-3204
Email: hazwastereport@dnr.mo.gov
For more information
Waste Management Program
Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States