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Wright City Lions Clup
678 Westwoods Road
Wright City
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Water Protection Program
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Water Protection Program
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(573) 751-1300
(800) 361-4827
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On Dec. 8, 2023, American Foods Development Co. LLC submitted a wastewater operating permit application for a new facility, America’s Heartland Packing Wastewater Treatment Facility, with an update submitted Jan. 16, 2024. On the basis of preliminary staff review and applying applicable standards and regulations, the department is providing a draft permit for public comment. Please follow the public comment period link below for more information and copies of the applications and draft permit.

The department is holding two public hearings to give the public the opportunity to provide comments. A time limit may be established for each commenter based on the number of individuals wishing to speak. This is the second hearing and attendance may in-person only.