4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. — Statewide   Video Attendance Available!
Missouri Prime Beef Packers Draft Notice of Intent to Deny Missouri State Operating Permit Public Hearing, Dec. 19, 2023

On Aug. 2, 2022, Missouri Prime Beef Packers submitted a wastewater operating permit renewal application, and associated antidegradation application on Nov. 17, 2022.

Area of Focus: Water
Event Type: Hearing
Organization: Water Protection Program

On Aug. 2, 2022, Missouri Prime Beef Packers submitted a wastewater operating permit renewal application, and associated antidegradation application on Nov. 17, 2022. On the basis of preliminary staff review and applying applicable standards and regulations, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, as administrative agent for the Missouri Clean Water Commission, proposes to deny the operating permit application and modification request. In response to recent requests, several public hearings have been scheduled to receive public comment on the draft denial of the wastewater operating permit application and modification request for Missouri Prime Beef Packers, MO-0113204. 

Public hearings are an opportunity to provide verbal comments to the department on the permit application denial. Hearings are not a question-and-answer session and the department will not be responding to comments during the hearing. Attendance at this hearing may be by conference call or through Webex, using the access information below. Please mute your phone or computer so background noise and hold music do not come through and disrupt the discussion.

Meeting number (access code): 2631 590 7077
Meeting password: DNR
Call-in number (US/Canada): 650-479-3207*

*This is not a toll-free number. Any charges that may occur from this option are the responsibility of the participant.

Notice: This public hearing may be subject to audio and video recording. The department will attempt to correct technical difficulties as they arise, but the department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call option. The hearing will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.

Anyone wishing to pre-register to speak at the public hearing can email Teresa Bullock at teresa.bullock@dnr.mo.gov or call 573-526-5449. Please leave your name and the date of the hearing you wish to speak at. Pre-registration to speak is not required. Those wishing to speak may sign up at the public hearing as time allows. This public hearing will be conducted or processed according to 10 CSR 20-6.020.

The department is also inviting the public to review and offer written comments on the proposed application denial until Jan. 8 2024. Missouri Prime Beef Packers requested permission to conduct slaughter and processing of live cattle for wholesale, as well as store and discharge wastewater and land apply sludge as fertilizer to agricultural fields located near the basin location at agronomic rates. The draft water quality and antidegradation review was placed on public notice on May 26, 2023. Significant comments and requests for a public meeting were made, based on concerns with the documentation provided for the innovative technology proposed for treating the wastewater before discharge. Please follow the link below for more information about the public comment period. Other information is also available for review on the department's Water Pollution Control Sites of Interest webpage. 

Individuals requiring special services or accommodations in order to attend an event can make arrangements by contacting the department’s staff for that event at least 48 hours before the event at 800-361-4827. Hearing- and speech-impaired individuals may contact department staff through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966.

Translation or interpretation services will be provided upon request at no charge. Call 573-522-9395 for assistance.