air emissions

All facilities with air permits are required to complete an annual emissions report. These reports quantify the criteria and hazardous air pollutants emitted for each emission unit at a facility.


All emissions reports are due April 1 each year for the previous calendar year.

Each year the Missouri Department of Natural Resources provides all permitted facilities with updated emission reporting information. 

The emissions reporting rule, 10 CSR 10-6.110, details the specific data elements required for each unit. Information submitted in the emissions report is public information unless the department approves a confidential business information request.

The preferred method of submitting data is through the department’s online reporting system, the Missouri Emissions Inventory System (MoEIS). Those using MoEIS get an automatic deadline extension to May 1.


Facilities pay a per ton fee of $55 for each ton of chargeable pollutants emitted. Payment is due June 1.