The department awarded $500,000 to a partnership project between Heartland Conservation Alliance and the City of Kansas City, Missouri. The selected project will restore wetlands and riparian habitat at the Municipal Farm, an urban renewal project featuring ecological restoration, urban agriculture, community gardens and outdoor recreation. The project will permanently protect and restore 15 to 18 acres of groundwater recharge area including shallow marsh and shrub-scrub wetland, bottomland hardwood forest and riparian corridor in the Blue River floodplain. It will also be supported by local partners including USEPA Green Infrastructure, U.S. Army Corp - Middle Blue River Urban Waters Federal Partnership, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, BoysGrow urban agriculture and other private partners.
Restoration of 18 acres began in spring of 2019, enhancing bottomland areas and creating wetlands. Invasive plant species were removed and site preparation work began. During summer and winter 2019, wetland enhancements, 15 acres of riparian tree planting, native vegetation seeding and spot treatment to manage invasives occurred. By 2020, restoration work was completed, with maintenance starting in January, which is on-going.
For information about any upcoming events, public notices and opportunities for public comment relating to this project, visit What's New in NRDAR.
This project is made possible through the joint efforts of the following groups: