The Missouri Department of Natural Resources describes a Demolition/ Renovation Activities business as:
The department regulates demolition and renovation projects for institutional, commercial, public and industrial structures, as well as residential structures. Any individual, business or other entity beginning this type of project should also be aware of the various state regulations and local ordinances and regulations that apply to a project before it starts. There may be local ordinances that are stricter than the state’s rules and regulations, so be sure to check with local city and county regulatory agencies before you begin the project.
You may need some or all of the following permits for a Demolition/ Renovation Activities business:
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Asbestos Occupation Certification
If you plan to participate in an asbestos project, inspection, asbestos hazardous emergency response act management plan, abatement project design or asbestos air sampling in Missouri, you must receive an Asbestos Occupation Certification from the department. To learn more, visit the department's Asbestos webpage. |
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Asbestos Renovation and Demolition Notification
The department requires notification of demolitions and abatement projects involving regulated structures at least 10 working days before crews begin a project. To learn more, visit the department's Asbestos webpage. |
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Building Operator Certification
Building Operator Certification is a nationally recognized training and certification program for operations and maintenance staff working in public, commercial and institutional buildings. The program focuses on energy efficient building operations and preventative maintenance procedures. For more information, please visit the department's Building Operator Certification webpage. |
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Hazardous Waste Emergency Permit
In the event there is a situation that presents an immediate and significant threat to human health or the environment based on hazardous waste issues, the department may issue a temporary Hazardous Waste Emergency Permit. If your business already has a hazardous waste permit, this permit would allow you to treat, store or dispose of a hazardous waste not covered by your effective permit. Non-permitted companies may also receive an emergency permit to allow them to temporarily treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste. |
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Hazardous Waste/ Infectious Waste Transporter License
If you or your business plans to transport used oil, hazardous waste (combustible liquids, corrosives, poisons/ toxins, flammable liquids, flammable solids, PCB's) or infectious waste in Missouri, you are required to obtain a Hazardous Waste Transporter License. Even though the request is approved by both Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, you must apply for and renew the license through MoDOT. For more information, please visit MoDOT's Hazardous Waste Transport webpage. |
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Home Energy Auditor Certification
The department has certification requirements and guidelines for energy auditors to help ensure that residents and businesses are getting the most up-to-date advice and financially beneficial recommendations on methods to reduce their energy consumption. For more information, please visit the department's Become an Energy Auditor webpage. |
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Open Burning Notification
Open burning is the burning of any materials in which air contaminants are emitted directly into the air without first passing through a stack or chimney. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources does not issue permits for open burning. Prior to conducting any open burning, businesses and citizens should contact the city or county of jurisdiction for any local restrictions. The department's Facts on Open Burning Under Missouri Regulations - PUB2047 fact sheet summarizes allowable and prohibited open burning under Missouri regulations. It does not include open burning restrictions that city or county governments may impose in addition to Missouri’s state regulations. |
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Public Drinking Water Construction Permit
If your business plans to construct a public water system that will supply drinking water to the public, you must obtain a Public Drinking Water Construction Permit. A public water system has at least 15 service connections or serves at least 25 people at least 60 days out of the year. This permit is also required if you plan to complete the following construction projects to the water system: waterline extensions, waterline replacements, drilling water supply well, construction a storage tank, adding a disinfection system, treatment changes, building a pump station or other improvements or modifications. If your business plans to connect to a permitted public water system, then you are not required to obtain this permit. |
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Public Drinking Water Permit to Dispense
If your business plans to operate a public water system that supplies drinking water to the public, you must obtain a Public Drinking Water Permit to Dispense. A public water system has at least 15 service connections or serves at least 25 people at least 60 days out of the year. |
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Solid Waste Permit Exemption
Some activities or waste management processes may be exempt under solid waste permitting requirements. Certain waste materials may be salvaged for continued use, or recovered and reused for another purpose that extends the value of that materials. Some waste recovery, reuse or repurposing activities may not require a permit, as long as the activity does not cause a hazard to human health, a hazard to the environment or a public nuisance. Examples of common activities and wastes include beneficial use, clean fill, composting, construction and demolition waste, NORM and TENORM. Although the activities may be exempt from solid waste permitting requirements, there may be criteria you must meet to be granted this exemption. For more information, please visit the department's Activities Potentially Exempt from Solid Waste Regulations webpage. |