The department and others provide information about dams in Missouri. The National Inventory of Dams(link is external) website provides information about the name and location of dams, purpose, type and size of dam. 

Numerous earthen dams may be found across Missouri
  1. Dams less than 25 feet in height are generally not accounted for and detailed information is not available. These dams are unregulated in Missouri.
  2. Dams greater than 25 feet in height but less than 35 feet in height are accounted for and information such as dam height is collected for the National Inventory of Dams. These dams are unregulated in the Missouri.
  3. Non-agricultural and non-federal dams 35 feet or greater in height are regulated in Missouri and require a permit for construction and operation. Permitted dams can be found in the National Inventory of Dams.  

Locations of and basic information about dams in Missouri can be found by using our GeoSTRAT ArcGIS web application.