Missouri’s air, land and water resources play an important role in our quality of life and health and are essential to the environmental and economic vitality of our state. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' team members work to ensure Missouri’s citizens enjoy clean air to breathe, clean water for drinking and recreation and land that sustains a diversity of life. Public involvement plays a critical role in helping the department protect and improve Missouri’s natural resources.

The department's Office of Communications team provides information to citizens, reporters and editors. Our team can arrange interviews and provide background information about the department and its many areas of responsibility. You may contact the department's Office of Communications by calling 573-751-1010 or 800-361-4827, or email communications@dnr.mo.gov. For Mo State Parks-related topics, call 573-751-9392 or 800-334-6946, or email moparks@dnr.mo.gov.

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