Jan. 29 - Mar. 30 — Statewide
Green America Recycling LLC Class 2 Hazardous Waste Permit Modification Request Public Comment Period, Jan. 29, 2025, to March 30, 2025

On Jan. 23, 2025, Green America Recycling LLC submitted a Class 2 Permit modification request to the department, requesting to modify its hazardous waste permits.

Area of Focus: Waste and Recycling
Event Type: Public Notice/ Public Comment
Organization: Waste Management Program

On Jan. 23, 2025, Green America Recycling LLC submitted a Class 2 Permit modification request to the department, requesting to modify its hazardous waste permits. Green America is proposing change to the containment building management practices to allow storage of different wastes in the containment building. They are also proposing installing a mechanical drum cleaning unit and drum crusher in Feed Prep No. 2 to improve safety for the staff when cleaning empty drums. The unit will also reduce the time needed for storing empty carcasses in the SSB/SSTU Containment Building. Green America would like to make these changes as soon as possible to prevent disruption of wastes activities and to protect human health in the cleaning of empty drums, so they also submitted a request for a Temporary Authorization.  

The department is accepting written comments on the permit modification request until March 30, 2025. Green America will hold a public meeting about the permit modification request on March 6, 2025. Follow the links below to review the permit modification request or for more information about the public meeting.

Continental Cement and Green America Recycling LLC are operating under the same department-issued Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Facility Part I Permit and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-issued Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Part II Permit. Continental Cement operates a dry process cement kiln, which uses pulverized coal, non-hazardous waste fuels, such as used oil, and a variety of liquid and solid hazardous waste-derived fuels to heat their kiln. The Green America facility receives the hazardous waste by both truck and railcar, “blends” the waste with other hazardous waste to meet fuel specifications, and stores the resulting wastes in tanks until they are used as liquid fuel. 

The pubic can review an electronic copy of the modification and temporary authorization requests below. Paper copies of the permit modification request and supporting documents are available at the Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 S. Fifth St., Hannibal, Missouri (during normal business hours). Comments on the permit modification request are more effective if they point out legal or technical issues or provide information that is not in the record. Written comments may be submitted by mail to Jillian Hunt, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Waste Management Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 or by email to The department will review and respond to all written comments and questions received during the public comment period before a final decision is made.