Nov. 20 - Jan. 6 — Statewide
BASF Corp. Hannibal Plant Draft Hazardous Waste Permit Public Comment Period, Nov. 20, 2024 to Jan. 6, 2025

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources prepared draft a Draft Hazardous Waste permit for the BASF Corp. Hannibal Plant (BASF).

Area of Focus: Waste and Recycling
Event Type: Public Notice/ Public Comment
Organization: Waste Management Program

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources prepared draft a Draft Hazardous Waste permit for the BASF Corp. Hannibal Plant (BASF). The department invites the public to review and offer written comments on a draft hazardous waste permit for the facility until Jan. 6, 2025. The department is holding a public meeting about the draft permit Dec. 10. More information about the meeting is available at the link below.

During the public comment period, anyone can request a public hearing about the draft permit. For more information, please contact Breanon Dowling.

BASF, formerly American Cyanamid Co., operates an agricultural chemical manufacturing facility at the site, which includes herbicides and insecticides, located at 3150 Highway JJ in Palmyra. A variety of hazardous wastes are generated as part of the facility operations. BASF manages and incinerates both off-specification or expired products, and other wastes generated during the manufacturing processes.

BASF currently is operating, performing long-term maintenance activities, and conducting corrective action investigations at the site under a department-issued Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Facility Part I Permit and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-issued Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Part II Permit. On April 6, 1999, BASF submitted a permit application to the department and EPA to renew and update its existing hazardous waste permits. BASF’s existing Part I Permit expired April 25, 2000, and Part II Permit expired May 25, 2000. The permits were continued in effect, as allowed by Code of Federal Regulations 40 C.F.R. § 270.51, until the department issues or denies the new hazardous waste permit. While there were multiple applications submitted over the years, BASF replaced those applications with a new application, received by the Department on October 31, 2015.

After a thorough technical review of the permit application, the department prepared a draft Part 1 permit. EPA will not be re-issuing a Part 2. Missouri has since been authorized for oversight over the items contained in the previous Part 2. The pubic can review an electronic copy of the draft permits and fact sheet below. Paper copies of the complete permit application, draft permits and supporting documents are available during normal business hours at the Marion County Library's Sub-District No. 1 Branch,  212 S. Main St., Palmyra, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Elm Street Conference Center, Jefferson City, MO 65102. An Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request will need to be submitted to review or obtain copies of the department's files.

Comments on the draft permits are more effective if they point out legal or technical issues or provide information that is not in the record. Written comments on the Part I Permit may be submitted by mail to Breanon Dowling, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Waste Management Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 or by email to The department will review and respond to all written comments and questions received during the public comment period before a final decision is made.