Jul. 31 - Sep. 4 — Statewide
City of Perryville Lead Service Line Inventory Bid Opportunity, July 31, 2024 to Sept. 4, 2024

The city of Perryville, Missouri is requesting proposals for services to complete a lead service line inventory.

Area of Focus: Water
Event Type: Public Notice/ Public Comment
Organization: Financial Assistance Center

The city of Perryville, Missouri is requesting proposals for services to complete a lead service line inventory. The full scope of required services and proposal requirements are available at Perryville City Hall, 215 N. West St., Perryville, Missouri or can be requested by email from Tracy Prost, City Clerk, at tracyprost@perryvillemo.gov.

All proposals, including price for the services, must be delivered in triplicate to Perryville City Hall, 215 N. West St., Perryville, MO 63775 by Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. local time, at which time the proposals will be opened and read publicly. All proposals must include the bid form of the Request for Proposals, the bid bond and any requested qualification information. Late proposals will not be considered. Electronic proposals will not be considered. Conditional proposals will not be accepted. Proposals must be sealed and clearly labeled "Lead Service Line Inventory" with the company’s name and address on the outside of the envelope.

This project is financed through the Missouri State Revolving Fund, by the Water and Wastewater Loan Revolving Fund and federal Capitalization Grants to Missouri.

Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President's Executive Order Number 11246. Requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are further explained at the link provided below. The city of Perryville is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites the submission of proposals from Woman and Minority Business Enterprises.

A certified or cashier’s check or bid bond in the amount of 5% shall be submitted with each proposal. Note that performance and payment bonds are required for this project.

The appropriate state and federal wage rates are applicable to this project. Additional documentation and information regarding the federal funding requirements for each bidder to consider can be found on the departments Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Lead Service Line Funding webpage and are hereby considered incorporated by reference into this request for proposals.

Meeting or Hearing
Not Applicable