Owens Corning Insulating Systems LLC submitted an application for authority to construct for its plant located in Joplin, Missouri. The department reviewed the application and proposes to issue a Permit to Construct. Calculations of the installation’s potential to emit based on previous testing reestablishes the installation from a major source of PM10 and VOC to minor source for all regulated air pollutants. As such, the permit reflects a true-up of the installation and reestablishes the installation as a minor source. The department invites the public to review and submit written information, materials and views in support of or in opposition to the proposed permit until May 2, 2024. All comments must be received or postmarked by 5 p.m.
Written comments or any relevant information or materials may be submitted by mail to Stephen Hall, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Air Pollution Control Program, PO Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 or by email to apcppermitspn@dnr.mo.gov. Comments submitted by email are limited to 20 MB in size. Comments larger than 20 MB need to be submitted by mail to the address above.
The public can review the application and preliminary determination below. Copies of the application, preliminary determination and other related materials considered in making the preliminary permit determination are available from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Air Pollution Control Program, PO Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176, or by calling 573-751-4817. Materials can also be reviewed at the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Southeast Regional Office, 2155 N. Westwood Blvd., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901, or by calling 573-840-9750.
The informal public hearing about the preliminary determination that was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, 2024 has been cancelled.