6:00 p.m. — Hannibal, MO
Green America Recycling LLC Class 2 Hazardous Waste Permit Modification Request Public Meeting, Nov. 8, 2023

On Oct. 13, 2023, Green America Recycling LLC submitted a Class 2 Permit modification request to the department, requesting to modify its hazardous waste permits.

Area of Focus: Waste and Recycling
Event Type: Meeting
Organization: Waste Management Program

On Oct. 13, 2023, Green America Recycling LLC submitted a Class 2 Permit modification request to the department, requesting to modify its hazardous waste permits. Green America is proposing to add piping to direct liquid alternative waste fuels from the tank farm to the kiln for energy recovery. This will be in addition to the current piping from the tank farm to the calciner. This meeting is an opportunity for the public to ask questions about the permit modification request, share information and discuss issues with facility staff.

The department is accepting written comments on the permit modification request until Dec. 17, 2023. Follow the public comment period link below below to review the permit modification request or for more information about the public comment period.

Individuals requiring special services or accommodations in order to attend an event can make arrangements by contacting the department’s staff for that event at least 48 hours before the event at 800-361-4827. Hearing- and speech-impaired individuals may contact department staff through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966.

Translation or interpretation services will be provided upon request at no charge. Call 573-522-9395 for assistance.