Aug. 30 - Oct. 14 — Statewide
City of Carterville Lead Service Line Inventory Bid Opportunity, Aug. 30, 2023 to Oct. 14, 2023

The city of Carterville is requesting proposals for services to complete a lead service line inventory. Please provide a proposal, including price for the services, to City Administrator…

Area of Focus: Water
Event Type: Public Notice/ Public Comment
Organization: Financial Assistance Center

The city of Carterville is requesting proposals for services to complete a lead service line inventory. Please provide a proposal, including price for the services, to City Administrator William Cline at 1200 E. First St., Carterville, MO 64835 or  admin@cartervillemo.com, by Friday, Oct. 14, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. local time. 

This project is financed through the Missouri State Revolving Fund, by the Water and Wastewater Loan Revolving Fund and federal Capitalization Grants to Missouri. 

Project Scope

The scope of required services is described below. The completed lead service line inventory spreadsheet should adhere to Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR §141.84. This request for proposals does not include in-field verification of lead service line material. A separate request for proposals will be developed and issued for in-field verification at a later date.

  1. Records Review. May include but not restricted to:
    • Reviewing available records to determine the presence, absence, or likelihood of lead in service lines. Records to review may include, but are not limited to: Construction records, building codes or ordinances, as-built drawings, record drawings, system maps, specifications from previous infrastructure projects, construction contracts, meter or service line replacement records, etc.
    • Outreach efforts with the general public including drafting inventory-related documents to inform the public, disseminating door hangers, speaking with private home owners, etc.
  2. In-Field Verification of an estimated 851 service lines. May include but not restricted to:
    • Develop a General Contractor Request for Proposals and assist in soliciting bids
    • Contract administration and preconstruction conference
    • Potholing or excavating (mechanical or vacuum) service lines to determine the material present. 
    • Internal or external CCTV investigation of service line material.
    • Water Quality Sampling
    • Visual inspection of service lines including inside a home or building.
  3. Administrative Assistance. May include but not restricted to:
    • Completion and Submission of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Lead Service line Inventory Spreadsheet, by October 16, 2024 or sooner.
    • Creating hardcopy and/or GIS maps indicating location and details of surveyed service lines.
    • Assistance with preparing grant reimbursement requests.
    • Attending limited board or council meetings to report on Inventory progress.
  4. Replacement Plan Services. May include but not restricted to:
    • A strategy for determining the composition of lead status unknown service lines in its inventory;
    • A procedure for conducting full lead service line replacement;
    • A strategy for informing customers before a full or partial lead service line replacement;
    • For systems that serve more than 10,000 persons, a lead service line replacement goal rate recommended by the system in the event of a lead trigger level exceedance;
    • A procedure for customers to flush service lines and premise plumbing of particulate lead;
    • A lead service line replacement prioritization strategy based on factors including but not limited to the targeting of known lead service lines, lead service line replacement for disadvantaged consumers and populations most sensitive to the effects of lead; and
    • A funding strategy for conducting lead service line replacements which considers ways to accommodate customers that are unable to pay to replace the portion they own.

Instructions to Bidders

Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President's Executive Order Number 11246. Requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are further explained at the link provided below.

The appropriate state and federal wage rates are applicable to this project. Additional documentation and information regarding the federal funding requirements for each bidder to consider can be found on the departments Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Lead Service Line Funding webpage and are hereby considered incorporated by reference into this request for proposals.

Selection Process

Once the city evaluates all submitted proposals and/or qualifications, the contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. The selected bidder will be required to complete documentation pertaining to the federal funding requirements prior to executing a contract for the listed services at the quoted price.

The city of Carterville is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Meeting or Hearing
Not Applicable