A proposed amendment to 10 CSR 20-7.015 Effluent Regulations, is now available for public review and comment until May 15, 2023. All comments must be received or postmarked by 5 p.m. Written comments may be submitted by mail to Heather Peters, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Water Protection Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 or online through the Regulatory Action Tracking System. Please include your contact information: name, email address and phone number.
The proposed rule amendment will implement statewide effluent limitations for Total Phosphorus and incorporate deleted language regarding losing streams from the Water Quality Standards regulations. The statewide Total Phosphorus limit is necessary to implement a recommended action item from the 2014 Missouri Nutrient Loss reduction Strategy and to compliment and improve Missouri's waters that are not captured under the scope of numeric nutrient criteria for lakes. Reference to Table J will also be removed as it currently references Water Quality Standards Variances, and will now reference a geospatial data set currently maintained by the Missouri Geological Survey. For additional details please see the rulemaking report. The department will hold a public hearing about the proposed amendment on May 4, 2022. Please follow the link below for more information.