Air Monitoring in Missouri

The State of Missouri operates a network of about 50 ambient air monitoring sites. This air monitoring network monitors the concentrations of most air pollutants and sends the data to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's national database of air monitoring data, called the Air Quality System (AQS). Most pollutants are measured continuously, with hourly averages reported. All data is recorded using Central Standard Time, regardless of local time changes to daylight-saving time. 

The data provided below is raw data. It has not been validated and may contain errors.

  • The data is obtained from automated, continuous instruments; no human has reviewed or checked the accuracy of this data.
  • The data has been subject to only preliminary automated quality assurance procedures.
  • Special conditions such as power outages and equipment malfunction can produce data that is invalid.
  • This data is made available for the purpose of public awareness and should not be used in any medical or other scientific study.
  • Quality assured data can be obtained by contacting the department's Air Pollution Control Program.

Common Chemical Symbols: NO-Nitrogen Oxide, NO2-Nitrogen Dioxide, NOX-Total Nitrogen Oxides, NH3-Ammonia gas, NT-Total Nitrogen compounds, H2S-Hydrogen sulfide, SO2-Sulfur dioxide (1 part per million limit), SO2S-Secondary SO2 (5 part per million limit), O3-Ozone, O3S-Back up Ozone measurement, CO-Carbon monoxide. In the case of wind data, "D" indicates the direction the wind is coming from and "S" indicates the wind speed. "TEMP" indicates temperature.

Common Parameter Units: The most common units are parts per million (PPM), microgram per cubic meter (uG/M3), degrees centigrade (DEG C), parts per billion (PPB), miles per hour (MPH) and compass degrees (DEG).

Common Status Flags: "D" (instrument disabled, usually used during weekly checks of instrument performance), "B" (bad status, usually because of instrument malfunction), "R" (a suspicious rate of change in the data from one hour to the next), or "P" (indicates a power outage during the reporting period).

Current Air Quality Index Reports

The department updates the Current Air Quality Index Report for Kansas City,  St. Louis and Springfield areas hourly every day. The reports below use current real time data and is an approximation of the official Air Quality Index for today. The official Air Quality Index, also known as AQI, for any day cannot be calculated until all air pollutant data for that day is available (approximately 8 a.m. the following day). 

During ozone season — March 1 through October 31 — this real time Air Quality Index report is used as the basis for the Ozone Action Day programs in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas. An index of 100 represents a threshold level of pollution, which may cause health problems in normally healthy humans. However, sensitive individuals or highly active individuals may experience health effects at lower concentrations of pollutants. 

Complete Current Missouri Air Pollution Data

This report is updated every day on a hourly basis. The date of the data report and an abbreviated version of the site name appears in the center of the page, at the top of each section. To obtain a more complete name or exact location for a site, view the Air Facilities and Air Quality Monitoring Sites Map. The map page links to lists of full site names, which in turn link to detailed information for each site.

Each parameter measured at the site is listed horizontally across the top of the report. Chemical symbols are used when possible. The next horizontal row specifies the units used for each parameter. The hourly averages are displayed in columns below each parameter's name. Each average is recorded in military time at the start time for each averaging block. Statistical data for each column appears at the bottom of the section. Below this is a list of status flags, which are used to indicate various problems.

Daily Parameter Reports