Background/ History
The Hazmat Inc. site is located at 6300 Stadium Drive in Kansas City, Missouri. In October 1985, Reclamare Enterprises began operating a hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, called Reclamare Enterprises Plant #2. In 1989, Interstate Environmental Services purchased the facility. In 1991, Interstate Environmental Services entered into bankruptcy and Hazardous Waste Recovery Inc. purchased the facility. In 1995, Haz-Mat Response Disposal Inc., also known as Waste Express Inc., became the facility owner. On September 15, 2005, Amerex Companies became the owner of the facility and operated it under the name Waste Express/Amerex. In August 2009, Waste Express Inc. was no longer held by the parent company Amerex, and was instead held by WES&A Holdings LLC. In April 2012, the facility was purchased again and it is currently owned and operated by Hazmat Inc.
Hazmat Inc. operates an active commercial hazardous waste treatment and storage facility that acts as an “in-between” facility. Hazmat Inc. transports a variety of hazardous waste produced by other hazardous waste generators to their facility. Hazmat Inc. then blends the waste to produce supplemental fuels for energy recovery and stores it in containers or tanks until shipped off-site to be used as fuel. Wastes that cannot be fuel blended are collected and stored until Hazmat Inc. ships it to other facilities designed and permitted to handle that waste. Hazmat Inc., originally Haz-Mat Response, operated under two hazardous waste permits, one issued by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and one issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), both effective Feb. 3, 1997. The department issued the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Facility Part I Permit. EPA issued the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Part II Permit. Under the permits, Hazmat Inc. is allowed to store hazardous wastes in containers and tanks.
Cleanup Summary
The permits issued to Haz-Mat Response required them to investigate and clean up releases of hazardous waste and hazardous constituents to the environment at their facility resulting from present and past hazardous waste handling practices. Investigations conducted in 1997, concluded that corrective action was not necessary at the site at that time.
Haz-Mat Response removed two 10,000-gallon, above ground tanks from service in 1998, which were initially part of the facility’s Bulk Tanks Storage Area. These tanks were originally used for blending and storing hazardous waste fuels. The facility does not currently have tank storage capabilities. In February 2009, the department requested Waste Express/Amerex to close the two 10,000-gallon tanks, requiring a closure plan, documentation, and closure certification for the tanks. In 2010 Waste Express dismantled and removed the two 10, 000-gallon above ground tanks before the department approved the closure plan. The containment area where the bulk storage tanks were formerly located still needs to go through a partial closure. The Department is in the process of reviewing the partial closure plan.