Former Facility Name
Missouri Pacific Railroad
Last Updated
Facility Physical Address

601 S. Marshall Ave.
Sedalia, MO 65301-4356
United States

MoDNR Contact Name
Elnaz Siami-Irdemoosa
MoDNR Contact Phone
MoDNR Contact toll free number:
MoDNR Contact Email
EPA Contact Name
Robert E. Aston Jr., RG
EPA Contact Phone
EPA Contact Email
Facility Contact(s)
Union Pacific Railroad Co.
Facility Contact Name
Jeff McDermott, PE
Facility Contact Phone Number

Permanent Hard Copy Location(s)

Location of hard copies of regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, reports and other supporting documents.

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Elm Street Conference Center, Jefferson City, MO 65102 (Submit a Sunshine Law Request to review or obtain copies of the department's files.)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Information Resource Center, 11201 Renner Blvd., Lenexa, Kansas (Call 913-551-7241 to schedule an appointment)


Background/ History

The Union Pacific Signal Shop is located on 130 acres at 601 S. Marshall St. in Sedalia. Missouri Pacific (MOPAC) began operating the MOPAC Railroad Car Shop, a railroad maintenance and repair shop, at the facility in the early 1900's. Operations included the servicing of coal-fired steam locomotives, manufacturing and servicing of railcars, repair of signal boxes and train jacks, and manufacturing of silk screen signs. In 1961, MOPAC stopped servicing coal-fired steam locomotives and the use of the facility significantly declined. 

The activities at the facility from its opening until 1986 included sandblasting, metal forming, welding, cleaning, and painting. A variety of hazardous wastes, such as lacquer thinner, were produced as part of the facility operations. The department conducted an inspection in May 1985, and discovered that MOPAC was operating two unpermitted, non-interim status hazardous waste land disposal areas. One area was used for the disposal of waste lacquer thinner and the second was used to dispose of waste oil. MOPAC immediately began managing their hazardous waste for off-site disposal.

Cleanup Summary

In 1986, the Missouri Pacific Railroad merged with the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR). After the merger, the operations at Sedalia were further reduced and many of the old buildings were demolished. In April 1987, MOPAC entered into a consent agreement with the department (UPRR was still in the process of acquiring ownership of the property). MOPAC agreed to develop a groundwater monitoring plan, perform a preliminary assessment to determine the horizontal and vertical extent of any hazardous waste contamination, and submit a closure plan which fully remediates the illegal land disposal of the hazardous wastes. Initial investigations confirmed groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds and heavy metals.


Coming Soon!

Closure & Cleanup

Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Listed below are the currently effective regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, institutional controls and any supporting documents regarding this property that the department currently has available in electronic form. The department realizes some of the electronic files can be quite large, which may result in long download times for individuals with slow internet connections. If you have any problems accessing these documents, please contact the department’s Waste Management Program by telephone at 573-751-5401 or 800-361-4827, or by email at

You can review printed copies of all regulatory agreements, reports and other supporting documents at the department’s Elm Street Conference Center in Jefferson City, Missouri. To review or obtain copies of the department’s files, please submit a Sunshine Law Request.

Regulatory Agreement