Former Facility Name
Industrial Services Corp.
Deffenbaugh Industries Inc.
Radium Petro Co.
Last Updated
Facility Physical Address

1633 S. Marsh Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64126-2947
United States

MoDNR Contact Name
Elnaz Siami-Irdemoosa
MoDNR Contact Phone
MoDNR Contact toll free number:
MoDNR Contact Email
EPA Contact Name
Robert E. Aston Jr., RG
EPA Contact Phone
EPA Contact Email
Facility Contact(s)
Quality Analytical Services Inc.
Facility Contact Name
Charles Wetzler
Facility Contact Phone Number

Permanent Hard Copy Location(s)

Location of hard copies of regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, reports and other supporting documents.

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Elm Street Conference Center, Jefferson City, MO 65102 (Submit a Sunshine Law Request to review or obtain copies of the department's files.)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Information Resource Center, 11201 Renner Blvd., Lenexa, Kansas (Call 913-551-7241 to schedule an appointment)


Background/ History

The Quality Analytical Services Inc. site is located on approximately 1 acre at 1633 Marsh Ave. in Blue Summit. In January 1958, a waste oil management facility began operating at the site and was later purchased by Radium Petroleum Co. in 1973. Deffenbaugh Industries purchased Radium Petroleum Co. in 1974. The facility continued to do business as Radium Petroleum Co. until the corporate name was changed to Industrial Service Corp. in January 1988. The facility’s name was changed to Quality Analytical Services in December 2000. 

As a waste oil management facility, Industrial Service Corp. collected and transported used oil from service stations, railroads, retail auto dealers, farm implement companies, truck and car leasing companies and similar businesses. The used oil was mainly automotive and industrial used oils with lesser amounts of diesel, hydraulic and other miscellaneous oils. The company reprocessed the waste oil by removing the associated water, blending the processed oil with diesel to produce a marketable fuel, and storing the resulting wastes in tanks until sold as a fuel to industrial users. Radium Petroleum/Industrial Service Corp. processed and stored the waste oil under the “interim status” portions of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Cleanup Summary

According to applicable state and federal hazardous waste laws and regulations, all hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities are required to investigate and clean up releases of hazardous waste and hazardous constituents to the environment at their facility resulting from present and past hazardous waste handling practices. Initial investigations identified several areas of petroleum-contaminated soil and groundwater contamination throughout the site. Additional groundwater sampling indicated that the contamination had moved off-site. The main contaminants of concern are volatile organic compounds and metals.

In September 1994, Industrial Service Corp. voluntarily entered into an 3008(h) Corrective Action Administrative Order on Consent with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Industrial Service stopped processing waste oil in 1996 and closed the above ground waste oil storage tanks and former tank farm in 1998. Contaminated soil and concrete beneath the former tank farm were removed and disposed in 2000. The excavated area was backfilled and capped. A Notice of Land Use Restriction was filed with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds in January 2001, for the capped area. A lined groundwater interceptor trench was also installed parallel to Marsh Ave. to collect the contaminated groundwater. The department accepted the closure certification for the site in January 2002; however, Quality Analytical is required to continue performing post-closure care and corrective action activities. Quality Analytical is currently conducting groundwater monitoring at the site twice a year as well as operating a groundwater pump and treat system to collect the contaminated groundwater.


Coming Soon!

Closure & Cleanup

Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Listed below are the currently effective regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, institutional controls and any supporting documents regarding this property that the department currently has available in electronic form. The department realizes some of the electronic files can be quite large, which may result in long download times for individuals with slow internet connections. If you have any problems accessing these documents, please contact the department’s Waste Management Program by telephone at 573-751-5401 or 800-361-4827, or by email at

You can review printed copies of all regulatory agreements, reports and other supporting documents at the department’s Elm Street Conference Center in Jefferson City, Missouri. To review or obtain copies of the department’s files, please submit a Sunshine Law Request.

Regulatory Agreement