Former Facility Name
Farmland Industries Inc. Chemical Plant
Last Updated
Facility Physical Address

1417 S.W. Lower Lake Road
Suite A
St. Joseph, MO 64504
United States

MoDNR Contact Name
Nathan Kraus, PE
MoDNR Contact Phone
MoDNR Contact toll free number:
MoDNR Contact Email
Facility Contact(s)
Winfield Solutions LLC
Facility Contact Name
Kip Landwehr
Facility Contact Phone Number

Permanent Hard Copy Location(s)

Location of hard copies of regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, reports and other supporting documents.

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Elm Street Conference Center, Jefferson City, MO 65102 (Submit a Sunshine Law Request to review or obtain copies of the department's files.)

No EPA Hardcopy Location.


Background/ History

The Omnium site, formerly Farmland Industries Inc. Chemical Plant, is located at 1417 S.W. Lower Lake Road in St. Joseph. In the 1960s Farmland began manufacturing and packaging a variety of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides in liquid, powder, granular, and semisolid forms at the site. Ownership of the company later changed to Omnium LLC and the same products were manufactured at the facility.

A variety of hazardous wastes were produced as part of the facility operations. Farmland stored the hazardous waste in drums before shipping off-site for disposal. Farmland stored the hazardous waste in two hazardous waste storage areas, operated under the “interim status” portions of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).

Cleanup Summary

Farmland closed the hazardous waste storage drum areas in 1995. Sampling conducted during closure confirmed that 2,4-D contamination remained in the concrete pads above background but below health-based levels in the two areas. The department accepted Farmland’s closure certification for the hazardous waste container storage areas in 1996. A Deed Notice, signed by the Buchanan County Recorder of Deeds in 1997 and amended in 2005, was placed on the property in order to inform potential future buyers of the property that portions of the property had been used to manage hazardous waste. 


Coming Soon!

Closure & Cleanup

Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Listed below are the currently effective regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, institutional controls and any supporting documents regarding this property that the department currently has available in electronic form. The department realizes some of the electronic files can be quite large, which may result in long download times for individuals with slow internet connections. If you have any problems accessing these documents, please contact the department’s Waste Management Program by telephone at 573-751-5401 or 800-361-4827, or by email at

You can review printed copies of all regulatory agreements, reports and other supporting documents at the department’s Elm Street Conference Center in Jefferson City, Missouri. To review or obtain copies of the department’s files, please submit a Sunshine Law Request.

Regulatory Agreement