425 E. Phelps St.
Springfield, MO 65806
United States
Since 1925, International Harvester Co. used the property for various warehousing and other commercial operations. The site contained two large heating oil underground storage tanks, at least one of which caused contamination to the surrounding soil. The remediated and divided site now houses both the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s crime laboratory and the city of Springfield’s Jordan Valley Community Health Center.
Since 1925, International Harvester Co. used the property for various warehousing and other commercial operations. The State of Missouri applied for a Brownfields Assessment to facilitate purchase of the property. The current and future use of the property is a crime laboratory for the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Activities on adjacent properties included a bulk oil facility, foundry and vulcanizer. The site contained two 10,000-gallon heating oil underground storage tanks. During the tank closures, it became apparent that a release occurred to the surrounding soil.
The department's Brownfields/ Voluntary Cleanup Program (BVCP) staff conducted a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment due to the recognized environmental conditions existing on properties next to the site and the northern portion of the site. The initial Phase II identified benzo(a)pyrene and elevated levels of lead in the soil and elevated levels of metals in the groundwater. Consultants conducted further delineation of contamination and a Tier I Risk Assessment. No lead levels were discovered above levels allowed for residential use. Representative concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene were below residential standards and dissolved concentrations of metals in groundwater did not exceed the lowest risk-based target levels.
Two 10,000-gallon heating oil underground storage tanks were removed from the property. Initial sampling indicated a release of heating oil into the area immediately around the tank pit. Monitoring wells were installed. The contamination in the groundwater, mainly total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range organics (TPH-DRO), was delineated. Free product was initially evident in one monitoring well located immediately north of the building. Bailing the well began on a regular basis and by 2011 the product was gone. More bailing was conducted in late 2012 and early 2013, as dissolved phase concentrations in the well continued to be erratic. Final concentrations of TPH-DRO were below residential levels.
Funding Sources
The building cost approximately $8.14 million and received $5 million in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The State of Missouri purchased part of the Modern Distributing site, which has since been redeveloped as a crime laboratory for the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The other portion of the site is owned by the city of Springfield and redeveloped into the Jordan Valley Community Health Center. The health center is a 30,300 square foot medical building housing 46 exam rooms, a pharmacy, lab and x-ray services. The center provides a variety of services, including family medicine, pediatric care and outpatient services.
Project Partners
- BVCP Project Managers
- City of Springfield
- Ozark Motor Supply
- State of Missouri, Office of Administration Facilities Management
- Environmental Works Inc.
Constructing the Missouri Highway Patrol Crime Laboratory at the south end of the site helps the crime lab in Jefferson City. The processing time of criminal cases has been reduced by 30 to 60 days and officer and laboratory employee efficiency has increased. The Jordan Valley Community Health Center, located at the north end of the site, has brought needed healthcare to this formerly underserved portion of the city. It is continuing to grow and provide a valuable service.
Institutional Controls
Complete investigation of the site, along with the removal of the heating oil tanks, resulted in the determination that no contamination remains that may present a risk to occupants. The entire site has been approved for unrestricted use.
BVCP Project Identification
- SMARS #11656
Assurances Received
- July 26, 2006 - Letter of Agreement Received
- 2010 - Certificate of Completion issued for part of the site
- April 26, 2013 - Certificate of Completion Issued for the remainder of the site
Contact Information
Brownfields/ Voluntary Cleanup Program
Environmental Remediation Program
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States