Scrap tire shredder outside a blue building loaded with stacks of tires

A scrap tire is a tire that is no longer suitable for its original intended purpose because of wear, damage or defect. A scrap tire processing facility is a site where scrap tires are reduce in volume by shredding, cutting, buffing, chipping, baling or otherwise altering so they can be recycled, used for resource recovery or disposed. These sites can be either stationary at one location or mobile at remote locations.

The Solid Waste Management Law requires all scrap tire processing facilities to obtain a Scrap Tire Processing Facility Permit. The following are not regulated as scrap tire processing facilities, provided that pollution, public nuisance or a health hazard are not created from storing the tires.

  • Processing facilities with less than 25 scrap tires at all times.
  • Any scrap tire collection center that exclusively processes scrap tires generated solely at the collection center, provided the processing is conducted using the collection center’s employees and processing equipment.
  • Any scrap tire collection center that contracts with a permitted scrap tire processing facility for processing and proper disposal of scrap tires generated solely at the collection center.  

For a list of companies or individuals who have obtained a permit to process scrap tires, visit Scrap Tire Processors.

Note: Depending on the processing operations, the permit applicant may also be required to obtain permits from the department's Air Pollution Control Program or Water Protection Program. For more information regarding air permits, please contact the department's Air Pollution Control Program, Air Permits New Source Review Unit, by telephone at 573-751-4817. For more information regarding water permits, please contact the department's Water Protection Program, Permits Section, by telephone at 573-751-1300. You may contact either program toll-free at 800-361-4827.

Length of Permit

The life of the facility.

Laws, Rules and Regulations

How to Apply


The business or individual completes an application with an original ink signature. 

Scrap tire processing facilities are required to establish an approvable closure plan and financial assurance instrument. A permit will not be issued until applicable financial assurance requirements are complete. 

There are both stationary waste tire processors and mobile waste tire processors and that the requirements to obtain these two types of permits are different. In order to help the applicant submit an application package that is as completely as possible, the department created a Scrap Tire Processing Facility Permit Application Worksheet - PUB2245 to use with the application form.

Submit the application fee and permit application to the department, according to the instructions outlined on the application form.


  • Application Fee - $200 (non-refundable)

The applicant also is responsible for reimbursing the department for all costs incurred by the department during the application review, up to a maximum of $2,000. 

Timeline/ Process

The department will review the permit application and respond to the applicant, in writing, in one of three ways: approved, request for additional information or disapproved. The department will request additional information if the application is not complete, which will delay the review process. If the application cannot be approved, the department will provide an explanation. 

Public Participation

No public participation or notice is required.

Appeal Procedures

Anyone who is adversely affected or aggrieved by the department's decision to issue, deny, suspend or revoke a permit may be entitled to pursue an appeal before the Administrative Hearing Commission. The petition must be filed with the commission within 30 days of the decision, according to the procedures outlined in 10 CSR 25-2.020 and sections 260.395.11 and 621.250, RSMo. For more information, please review the Administrative Hearing Commission's Frequently Asked Questions webpage.


Other Requirements

Depending on the processing operations, the facility may be required to perform monitoring requirements. All water discharged from a scrap tire processing facility must be sufficiently treated to meet applicable water quality standards. Emissions from the scrap tire processing facility must not exceed the state air quality standards. For information about additional requirements, review 10 CSR 80-5.010.


Solid waste processing facilities maintain records and monitoring data including tire inventory, vector control activities and major operational problems, complaints or difficulties. For more information about reporting requirements, visit Scrap Tire Hauler, Processor and Collection Center Reporting.. 


There is no renewal process. The permit is issued for the life of the facility.


Permit Modifications and Revocations

A scrap tire processing facility permit may be revoked or suspended for noncompliance. The department may, at any time during the life of the permit, open and modify or alternately revoke the permit and require the permittee to comply with any currently applicable federal, state or local requirements.