Water Protection Program
Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States
Water Protection Program
fact sheetDivision of Environmental Quality
Director: Kyra MooreThe ePermitting system is being developed in phases, so not all of the Permit Types and Permit Categories will be available upon implementation of ePermitting. Phase I covered Land Disturbance (MORA00000) Permit Category types and was put online in June 2012. Future phases will contain other general permits, construction permits (sewer extensions), Permits-by-Rule and/or individual general permit covered facilities needing to be public noticed.
Based on revisions to 10 CSR 20-6.011, effective Jan. 1, 2015, permit fees have changed pursuant to §644.054 and §644.057, RSMo. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is required by law to review fee amounts periodically, which may change the fee amounts. The Clean Water Fee helps pay for much of the work necessary to run the NPDES permitting program; however, there are critical gaps that need to be filled to keep an effective program with state delegation.
The fee for any major modification is 25% of the annual permit fee. There is also a $100 fee for any minor modifications including name changes, address changes or other nonsubstantive changes.
No application fee is required for terminating a permit. However, it may be in the best interest of the permittee to have all fees paid in full prior to submitting an application for termination. Failure to pay annual fees is a violation of the Missouri Clean Water Law and its implementing regulations. Outstanding annual permit fees may cause the termination application to be revoked.
When making a payment in the ePermitting system, the user will actually make the payment through a third party, private site known as Collection Services Inc, or CSI. The types of payment acceptable are credit card (includes debit card) and electronic checks (e-checks).
If the user does not have a credit card (includes debit card) or have the use of e-checks, then the user cannot use ePermitting. The user will need to contact the department’s Central Office and request permission to submit a paper application.
Visa®, Master Card® and Discover®.
The State of Missouri’s Purchasing Card Policy and Procedure Manual (revised February 2011) was drafted and finalized by the Missouri Office of Administration. This document, under Chapter IV – Section Interagency Payments states, “Payments to state agencies are not allowed on the P-card. Examples include, but are not limited to, payments to Missouri Vocational Enterprises, Secretary of State and Division of Professional Registration. Payments for goods or services to State agencies should be processed directly through SAMII Financial.”
This means other state agencies and the Department of Natural Resources cannot use ePermitting to receive an issued permit.
When the user enters all applicable information in the Collector Solutions Inc. portion in the ePermitting system, there is chance the payment may not have been successfully processed.
The CSI system will generate several different messages for a whole host of problems that could have occurred. The messages CSI generates should provide some detail of the problem. Regardless of the error type, if the payment is not processed, then the permit application cannot be finalized (i.e., issued). The user should make sure all information entered is correct and the form of payment is acceptable in the ePermitting system.
When the payment is successfully processed by CSI, the next page the user will see is the ePermitting Confirmation Screen. From this screen, the user will access the ePermitting home page to receive their issued operating permit.
Nothing in this document may be used to implement any enforcement action or levy any penalty unless promulgated by rule under chapter 536 or authorized by statute.
Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States