
Waste Management Program

fact sheet

Division of Environmental Quality

Director: Kyra Moore
A hummingbird approaching the feeder

Feeders easily attract hummingbirds. With help from an adult, children can make a hummingbird feeder from a glass or plastic bottle used for a soft drink.


  • Nonreturnable soft drink bottle, 16 or 20 ounces, with cap intact
  • Wire coat hanger
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
  • One-eighth inch drill bit


  1. Cut hook and twisted portion from the coat hanger. Bend remaining wire around the soft drink bottle (see illustration). Create a hook on one end of the wire to hang the bottle. Bend the other end of the wire next to the bottle cap to form a perch for the hummingbird.
  2. To create hole for feeding, hold drill bit firmly with pliers, and, with cap still on bottle, place drill bit against the cap. Drill a hole by turning the bottle. Only drill one hole into the center of the bottle cap.
  3. Now, fill the bottle about three-quarters full with sugar water. (Recipe appears below.)
  4. Hang the feeder where you can see it from a window.

Sugar Water Recipe

Put one cup sugar in a quart jar. Fill the jar with water. Stir the sugar and water until the sugar dissolves. The sugar water is now ready to feed hummingbirds. Store extra water in a refrigerator.

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