Water Protection Program fact sheet
Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore

All persons who build, erect, alter, replace, operate, use or maintain wastewater treatment facilities shall pay the appropriate fee as designated in RSMo 644.052 and 644.053. Fee types include operating, general permit, construction permit, permit modification and variance fees. For additional information please refer to 10 CSR 20-6.011, Fees and RSMo 644.052 and 644.053. The fee amounts discussed herein became effective Jan. 1, 2015.

Operating Fees

Privately owned treatment facilities that treat human sewage (10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(B)), industrial process wastewater (10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(C) - subject to federal Clean Water Act  categorical standards), industrial stormwater (subsection (D)) and other industrial process wastewater (10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(E) - not subject to federal Clean Water Act categorical standards) must pay an annual fee on the anniversary date of their permit based on the design flow of the facility (in gallons per day); see tables 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively for fee amounts. The first annual fee shall be remitted with the permit operating application for the facility. No discharge facilities fees are based on the design flow of wastewater being handled. Sludge or solids disposal facilities fees are based on the combined total design flow of the wastewater treatment facilities from which the sludge or solids are removed. These fees apply to site-specific permits, general permits and permits by rule.

Persons with a direct or indirect discharge to a public sewer system owned or operated by a city, public sewer district, public water district or other publicly owned treatment works (POTW) shall pay an annual fee per water service connection, see table 5. It should be noted this is a fee assessed to the discharger to the sewer system. The fee shall be collected by the agency billing customers (e.g., POTW) for sewer service and remitted to the department. The fee may be collected in monthly, quarterly or annual increments for annual remittance to the department. No prepayment is required; therefore, a new POTW is not required to submit the first annual water service connection fee with an operating permit application. The department will bill the POTW annually.

General Permit Fees

General permits (as opposed to site-specific permits) are issued to multiple locations where activities are similar enough to be covered by a single set of requirements. A listing of the types of general permits available is provided on the department’s website at Citizens Guide to Water Permits. The fees associated with general permits are provided in 644.052, RSMo. In general the fee for a new permit associated with a discharge of process wastewater or potentially contaminated storm water is $200. Fees for permits associated with land disturbance stormwater or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) vary according to site complexity, see table 6. Table 6 also provides fee information for miscellaneous operations, such as municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), chemical fertilizer and pesticide operations, and aquaculture facilities. Fees are to be submitted with the application for general permits. If a facility with a general permit treats human sewage (10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(B)), industrial process wastewater (10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(C) - subject to federal Clean Water Act  categorical standards), industrial stormwater (10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(D)) and other industrial process wastewater (10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(E) - not subject to federal Clean Water Act categorical standards), it must pay an annual fee on the anniversary date of its permit based on the design flow of the facility (in gallons per day); see tables 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively for fee amounts. For example, the fee for a MOG823 permit for a facility with a design flow of 11,000 gallons per day would be $600.

Construction Permit and Antidegradation Review Fees

Construction permit fees are to be submitted with the permit application. Construction permit fees are as follows (Table 7):

  • $1,000 for wastewater treatment facilities with less than 500,000 gallons per day design flow
  • $3,000 for wastewater treatment facilities with 500,000 or greater gallons per day design flow
  • $300 for a sewer extension of more than 1,000 feet or the construction of two or more lift stations

The fee for antidegradation review for an entirely new wastewater treatment plant is dependent on the design flow of the plant, see table 8. The fee for the review associated with a new facility having a design flow less than 100,000 gallons per day will $500. A new plant having a design flow greater than or equal to 100,000 gallons per day will be assessed a fee of $1,000. For existing facilities being upgraded or replaced, the fee will be $250. A $250 fee will also apply for projects that involve the development of water quality-based and technology-based effluent limits that will serve as the antidegradation baseline effluent limits; reviews are commonly referred to as water quality reviews.


The fee associated with requests for modification to a state operating permit for a POTW (i.e., facilities collecting water service fees) is $200. For all other operating permits the modification fee is 25% of the annual operating permit fee. The fee for minor modification (e.g., name change, address change, etc.) to non-POTW permits is $100. Modification fees are summarized in table 9.


Any person seeking a variance in accordance with RSMo 644.061 shall file a petition for variance with the director.  There is a $250 filing fee with each petition for variance.

Rate Changes

The rates discussed above will remain as stated until such time as the commission promulgates rules defining the billing procedure.

Summary Tables

Table 1 - Privately Owned Treatment Works Human Sewage Discharges Annual Fees 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(B)

Design flow or adjusted design flow < 5,000 gallons per day (gpd)

         $    150

Design flow between 5,000 and but less than 10,000 gpd

         $    300

Design flow between 10,000 and but less than 15,000 gpd

         $    600

Design flow between 15,000 and but less than 25,000 gpd

         $ 1,000

Design flow between 25,000 and but less than 30,000 gpd

         $ 1,500

Design flow between 30,000 and but less than 100,000 gpd

         $ 3,000

Design flow between 100,000 and but less than 250,000 gpd

         $ 4,000

Design flow greater than or equal to 250,000 gpd

         $ 5,000

Table 2 - Industrial Process Wastewater 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(C)

Class IA concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO)

         $ 5,000

Operating permits based on categorical standards, design flow < 1.0 million gallons per day (MGD)

         $ 4,200

Operating permits based on categorical std., design flow > 1.0 MGD

         $ 5,000

Table 3 - Industrial Stormwater 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(D)

Design flow is < 1.0 MGD

         $ 1,800

Design flow is > 1.0 MGD

         $ 2,800

Table 4 - Other Industrial Process Wastewater 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(E)

Facilities not included in (2)(C) or (2)(D) -  noncategorical federal Clean Water Act

Design flow is < 1.0 MGD

         $ 1,800

Design flow is > 1.0 MGD

         $ 3,000

Table 5 - Sewer Service Connection Fees 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(G)

Connection to a publically owned treatment works (POTW), > 35,000 customers, fee per connection

           $ 0.48

Connection to a POTW, > 20,000 but < 35,000 customers, fee per connection

           $ 0.60

Connection to a POTW, > 7,000 but < 20,000 customers, fee per connection

           $ 0.72

Connection to a POTW, < 7,000 customers, fee per connection

           $ 0.80

Industrial/commercial connection not served by a public water supply (PWS) district

          $  3.42

Industrial/commercial connection with PWS line  < 1-inch

          $  3.00

Industrial/commercial connection with PWS line  > 1-inch but < 4-inches

         $ 11.00

Industrial/commercial connection with PWS line  > 4-inches

         $ 29.00

Table 6 - General Permit or Permit-By-Rule 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(F)

General permits for discharge of process water and stormwater, potentially contaminated, annual fee

         $    200

Stormwater, land disturbance; 1.0 acre but < 5.0 acres

         $    500

Stormwater, land disturbance; 5.0 acres but < 10.0 acres

         $    600

Stormwater, land disturbance; 10.0 acres but < 25.0 acres

         $    750

Stormwater, land disturbance; 25.0 acres but < 100.0 acres

         $ 1,500

Stormwater, land disturbance; 100.0 acres but < 500.0 acres

         $ 3,000

Stormwater, land disturbance; 500.0 acres or greater

         $ 5,000

Stormwater, land disturbance, single fee for multiple sites; total < 100.0 acres

         $ 1,500

Stormwater, land disturbance, single fee for multiple sites; total 100.0 acres to <500.0 acres

         $ 3,000

Stormwater, land disturbance, single fee for multiple sites; total > 500.0 acres

         $ 5,000

Chemical fertilizer or pesticide facility annual fee

         $    100

Class IA CAFO or animal feeding operation annual fee

         $ 5,000

Class IB CAFO or animal feeding operation, NPDES permit annual fee

          $   450

Class IC or II CAFO or animal feeding operation, NPDES permit annual fee

          $   350

Class IB CAFO or animal feeding operation, MO operating permit annual fee

           $  300

Class IC or II CAFO or animal feeding operation, MO operating permit annual fee

           $  150

Stormwater, municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) annual fee

           $  250

Aquaculture facility annual fee

           $  300

Pesticide applicator annual fee

           $  150



Table 7 - Construction Permits 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(K)

WWTP with design flow < 500,000 gpd

         $ 1,000

WWTP with design flow > 500,000 gpd

         $ 3,000

Sewer extension >1,000 feet or two or more lift stations

         $    300

Table 8 - Anti-Degradation Review 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(J)

New wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with design flow of   < 100,000 gpd

         $    500

New WWTP with design flow of > 100,000 gpd

         $ 1,000

Antidegradation review to upgrade or replace an existing facility or for a water quality review

         $    250

Table 9 - Permit Modifications and Nonsubstantive Changes 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(H)

Modification to operating permits for facilities that charge a service connection fee, (e.g., POTWs)

           $  200

Substantive modification to non-POTW operating permits

25% of annual operating fee

Nonsubstantive modification to operating permits for facilities that do not charge a service connection fee, (e.g., non-POTWs)

           $  100

Modification of a general permit

           $  100

For more information