State Oil and Gas Council fact sheet
Missouri Geological Survey Director: Carey Bridges, RG


259.010 RSMo

Number of Members


Number of Members Appointed by the Governor


Is Senate Confirmation Required?


Membership Composition

The director of the Missouri Geological Survey, the director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development’s Division of Commerce and Industrial Development, the director of the Missouri Public Service commission, the director of the Clean Water Commission, a professor of petroleum engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology and a member from and designated by the Missouri Independent Oil and Gas Association. Two public members are appointed by the Governor. Both public members shall have an interest in and knowledge of the oil and gas industry, be residents of the state of Missouri and at least one shall also be a resident of a third or fourth class county.


No terms defined in the statute.

Political Affiliation

Statute does not address this issue.


Representatives of the member agencies shall not receive any additional compensation for their services as representatives on the Council and all expenses of agency representatives shall be paid by their respective agency. Members appointed shall not receive any compensation for their services.

Geographic Consideration

Statute does not address this issue; however, the two public members must be residents of Missouri and at least one of the public members shall be a resident of a county of the third or fourth classification.

Responsibilities of the Commission/Members

The Council has the duty and authority to adopt and amend rules and regulations pursuant to Chapter 259, RSMo, pertaining to the regulation of the oil and gas industry in Missouri.

Staff Contact

Amber Steele
Geological Survey Program Director
Missouri Geological Survey
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402

Staff Assistant 

Connie Edwards
Missouri Geological Survey
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402

AGO Contact

Brian Earll, Legal Counsel
Assistant Attorney General
Missouri Office of the Attorney General
PO Box 899
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0899
573-751-0481 sends email)

Frequency of Meetings and Location(s)

Quarterly, the majority of which are in Rolla or Jefferson City.

Time Expended by Commissioners for Meetings and Preparation Thereof

Two hours for meetings, not including travel time. Approximately three hours for preparation and review of materials.

Requirements for Inclusion of Items on Agenda

Submit to Staff Assistant at least four weeks before the meeting for inclusion on the agenda and distribution of information to the council members for review.

Public Comment Opportunities at Meetings

Public is welcome to attend meetings and make comments or ask questions. Meetings are posted in accordance with the Sunshine Law. Council adopts and amends rules and complies with all public participation requirements of the rulemaking process.

Nothing in this document may be used to implement any enforcement action or levy any penalty unless promulgated by rule under chapter 536 or authorized by statute.