Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore
Currently, regulations require landfill owners and operators to design and implement groundwater monitoring programs capable of detecting changes in the “background” groundwater quality and flow directions related to solid waste disposal area construction and operation. The resulting data must be submitted the department within 90 days of the sampling event, in the Comma Separated Value (CSV) file format.
Formatting the Data
In order for data to be accurate it must be submitted in the exact same format each reporting period. To aid this, the department created several worksheets to ensure consistency.
Each submittal must be exactly the same format as shown in the example worksheet as provided above and all wells must be included in one file. The sample worksheets contain the groundwater monitoring parameter names listed in the order they must be submitted to the department. All organic parameters must be submitted with the department prescribed chemical name. Parameters not shown in the list, or required as part of the facilities approved monitoring parameters, (Bicarbonate, potassium, quality assurance/quality control, field blanks, trip blanks, additional results for dissolved metals etc.) must be placed and submitted in a separate file. The following guidelines must be observed for the data to be considered submitted in the department prescribed format:
- Column 1: This column contains the well designation. It must be eight characters or less and must be provided as approved by the department. Changes to the designations from this point forward are not permitted. Please review each submittal to guarantee consistency with previous well designations.
- Column 2: This column contains the monitoring parameter name. The names occur in the exact order as shown in Appendix I of the regulations. It also includes the indicator parameters (Chemical Oxygen Demand, Chlorides, Iron, pH, Specific Conductance, Total Dissolved Solids).
- Absolutely no changes can be made to this column. If a parameter is not tested, indicate so in the flag column and reported value column as necessary.
- If the format does not conform to what is supplied, your data will be rejected and sent back to you for correction.
- Values for pH and Specific Conductance must be field values obtained during well purging.
- Column 3: This column contains the sampling date. The date must be entered in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
- Column 4: This column contains the reporting units for each parameter. No changes will be permitted. You will need to be sure of your units and possibly convert them before entering them. Please check to see if unit conversions are performed, both the units and reported values are consistent.
- Column 5: This column contains the reported (quantified) value. Data fields may not be left blank.
- If a parameter was not tested, ‘n/a’ must be entered in this column and ‘NT’ must be placed in the flag column.
- If the parameter was not detected, the practical quantitation limit should be entered in this column and ‘ND’ or ‘U’ must be placed in the flag column.
- If a trace is reported, the department must have a value in both the method detection limit and practical quantitation limit columns. In this case a ‘J’ must be placed in the flag column. The trace value must be between the method detection limit and practical quantitation limit.
- For duplicate samples, place the duplicate sample data below the original sample date and place a ‘D’ in the flag column. Duplicate samples may be submitted in a separate file along with other QA/QC data such as trip blanks. When you report a duplicate sample, the well designation for which it applies must be listed in Column 1. Do not place a “D” or other notation in Column 1.
- Column 6: This column contains the practical quantitation limit value. This value is the laboratory’s achievable quantitation limit. It must always be reported within plus or minus 25% of the median practical quantitation limit for each specific parameter. If it is not included, the department will return your data.
- Column 7: This column contains data flags. Enter flags ‘U’ or ‘ND’ for non-detects, ‘J’ for trace values, ‘NT’ for not tested, ‘D’ for duplicate, or leave blank for detected values. No other flags are to be used. Other flags must be explained in either the text of the email submittal or a separate file.
- Column 8: This column contains the method detection limit value. The method detection limit as established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or other appropriate source must be placed in this column. If it is not reported, the department will return your data.
These guidelines must be followed to ensure reliable data conversion to our software packages. This is a modification to your groundwater sampling and analysis plan. If you have questions, please contact the department's Waste Management Program by telephone at 800-361-4827 or 573-751-5401.
Saving the File
The file must be saved in Microsoft Excel® CSV format, following the instructions below.
- On the File tab, select Save As.
- In the Save As pop-up window, choose a location to save the document.
- Change the File name to something site descriptive (i.e., SMHL1108).
- At the bottom of the Save As pop-up window, in the Save as type: field, choose CSV (Comma delimited) from the dropdown list.
- In the bottom-right corner of the Save As pop-up window, click Save. You may see a message window pop-up, stating the CSV file "...may contain features that are not compatible with CSV....". Select Yes and continue closing the file.
Submitting the Data
Email the CSV file, as an attachment, to swgwmon@dnr.mo.gov. Please keep the following guidelines in mind when submitting the data:
- The email subject line must include the facility name and sampling event date.
- The CSV file name must be site descriptive (i.e. SMHL1108).
- Field blanks, trip blanks, equipment blanks, matrix spikes, water level elevations or other Quality Assurance/Quality Control data must be placed in a separate file for reference. This data may be used for other purposes such as demonstrations at a later date, but, have no impact on routine statistical analyses.
For more information
Waste Management Program
Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States