Air Conservation Commission fact sheet
Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore


Statute 643.040

Number of Members


Number of Members Appointed by the Governor


Is Senate Confirmation Required?

State Air Law requires Senate confirmation

Membership Composition

All members shall be representative of the general interest of the public and shall have an interest in and knowledge of air conservation and the effects and control of air contaminants.


Four years and until successors are selected and qualified. Political Affiliation: No more than four from the same political party. Compensation: Reasonable and necessary expenses.

Geographic Consideration

At least three members shall represent agriculture, industrial and labor interests, respectively. No two members shall be a resident of or domiciled in the same Senatorial district.

Responsibilities of the Commission/ Members:

  • Prepares and develops a general comprehensive plan for the prevention, reduction and control of air pollution
  • Encourages political subdivisions to handle air pollution problems within their respective jurisdictions to the extent possible and practicable and provide assistance to political subdivisions
  • Encourages voluntary cooperation by persons or affected groups to achieve the purposes of Sections 643.010 to 643.190
  • Encourages and conducts studies, investigations and research
  • Collects and sends out information and conduct education and training programs
  • Advises, consults and cooperates with other agencies of the state political subdivisions, industries, other states and the federal government and with interested persons or groups
  • Represent the State of Missouri in all matters pertaining to interstate air pollution including the negotiations of interstate compacts or agreements

Staff Contact

Stephen Hall
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176

Staff Assistant Contact

David Gilmore
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176

Attorney General Office Contact

Richard Groeneman
PO Box 899
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176

Frequency of Meetings and Locations

At least 9 per year.

Preparation for and Time Expended by Commissioners for Meetings

Preparation for meetings depend mostly of how many items are on the agenda. The preparation time can vary anywhere from four to eight hours and the meetings can vary anywhere from two to three hours. Therefore, time expended can be from six to 11 hours per meeting.

Requirements for Inclusion of Items on Agenda

Items included on the commission meeting agenda must be issues or actions relating to air quality. Items include - rule actions (proposed rulemakings and orders of rulemaking recommended for adoption), enforcement actions (AGO referral requests) and permit actions (appeals and variance requests). At the commission’s pleasure, presentations about air quality topics of benefit to the commission, regulated communities, the general public and the State can also be included on the agenda (e.g., new technology in air pollution, specific air quality topics of interest).

Public Comment Opportunities at Meetings

The Missouri Air Conservation Commission provides opportunities for the public to provide comments. These opportunities, and how they are announced, are included in the following:

  • Public hearing notices are posted on the department’s Calendar and, on occasion, in statewide newspapers, provided to local agencies, regional offices, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the states of Illinois and Kansas and posted in the lobby of the Air Pollution Control Program
  • Briefing documents are posted on the department's Missouri Air Conservation Commission website
  • Proposed rulemakings are published in the Missouri Register
  • Public hearing statements are made at the beginning of each public hearing
  • Public hearing attendance forms are available at public hearing reception table ask if the attendee wishes to make a statement
  • As noted in the statements of opportunity for public comment, written comments are accepted for seven days after the public hearing. In addition, the Regulatory Agenda posted on the department’s website includes the public comment period