Missouri Geological Survey Director: Carey Bridges, RG
Number of Members
19 Member States
5 Associate Member States
Number of Members Appointed by the Governor
1 member and 1 alternate member
Is Senate Confirmation Required?
Membership Composition
The commission includes a representative from each state that is a member. There are currently 25 member states and 1 associate member state. The member states are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming. The associate member state is Colorado. For Missouri, the Department of Natural Resources director is the member, and the staff director of the Missouri Mining Commission is the alternate.
Each state is a member until the legislation enacted is repealed.
Political Affiliation
Geographic Consideration
The member that represents Missouri must be a resident of Missouri.
Responsibilities of the Commission/Members
The IMCC shall have power to:
- Study mining operations, processes and techniques for the effects of such on land, soil, water, air, plant and animal life, recreation and patterns of community or regional development or change.
- Study the conservation, adaptation, improvement and restoration of land and resources affected by mining.
- Make recommendations concerning any aspects of law or practice and governmental administration within the purview of this compact.
- Gather and disseminate information.
- Cooperate with the federal government and any public or private entities.
- Consult with the officials of such State in respect to any problem.
- Study and make recommendations with respect to any practice, process, techniques, or course of action that may improve the efficiency of mining or the economic yield from mining operations.
- Study and make recommendations relating to the safeguarding of access to resources that are the subject of mining operations to the end that the economy for the products of mining may not be adversely affected by unplanned or inappropriate use of land and other resources containing minerals.
Each party State agrees that within a reasonable time, it will formulate and establish an effective program for the conservation and use of mined land, by the establishment of standards, enactment of laws, or the continuing of the same in force, to accomplish:
- The protection of the public and the protection of adjoining and other landowners from damage to their lands and the structures and other property thereon resulting from the conduct of mining operations or the abandonment or neglect of land and property formerly used in the conduct of such operations.
- The conduct of mining and the handling of refuse and other mining wastes in ways that will reduce adverse effects on the economic, residential, recreational or aesthetic value and utility of land and water.
- The institution and maintenance of suitable programs of adaptation, restoration and rehabilitation of mined lands.
- The prevention, abatement and control of water, air and soil pollution resulting from mining, present, past and future.
Frequency of Meetings and Location(s)
Twice yearly - hosted by states in rotation.
Time Expended by Commissioners for Meetings and Preparation Thereof
Meetings 2 or 4 days (16 to 32 hours); Travel (8 to 10 hours each meeting) = 68 hours each year.
Requirements for Inclusion of Items on Agenda
Submit items to the executive director in a reasonable time prior to a meeting date.
Public Comment Opportunities at Meetings
The public is offered the opportunity to comment during any public meeting of IMCC.
Nothing in this document may be used to implement any enforcement action or levy any penalty unless promulgated by rule under chapter 536 or authorized by statute.
For more information
eDMR Helpdesk
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102
United States