Darcy Bybee was named Director of the department's Division of Administrative Support, effective Jan. 1, 2024
Darcy began her career with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources more than 19 years ago. Darcy began her career in the department's Air Pollution Control Program in 2005, and acquired first-hand knowledge of many aspects of the program. She first worked as an Environmental Specialist, focusing on asbestos, then vapor recovery and inspection and maintenance issues. She promoted through the ranks from chief of the program’s Compliance Unit, to chief of the program’s Compliance and Enforcement Section and later chief of the program’s Air Quality Planning Section, eventually working her way up to the director of the Air Pollution Control Program. Darcy joined the department's Division of Administrative Support in 2021 as the deputy division director. Darcy holds a Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of Missouri - Columbia.
- Accounting Program
- Budget Program
- General Services Program
- Human Resources Program