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JEFFERSON CITY, MO, AUG. 3, 2020 – The public is invited to a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site at 2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 15. The special ceremony will honor the addition of Olive Boone’s name to the historic site.

"When we think about the 19th century Missouri frontier, our minds immediately wander to legends of folk heroes like Daniel Boone, but we fail to recognize the women who stood alongside these men in facing the dangers of these new frontier lands," said Mike Busekrus, Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site facility manager. "Without the contributions of women like Olive Boone, our frontier history as we know it would be much different."

Immediately following the ribbon-cutting ceremony on the Boone home lawn, historic site staff will present a program titled "Famous, infamous and forgotten women of Ash Grove." The historic site will also showcase several new interpretive panels funded by Women’s Foundation.

"Valued, long-lasting partnerships are essential to success. Without our partnership with Women’s Foundation, the recognition of Olive and her role in Missouri’s history would not have happened in such a significant and successful way," said Mike Sutherland, Missouri State Parks director. "We hope that this is just one of many collaborations we will have with Women’s Foundation as Missouri State Parks recognizes the significant contributions of women to Missouri."

Since 1991, Women’s Foundation has invested wisely in the success of women of all ages. With a mission to advance all women’s economic and civic leadership, Women’s Foundation envisions a world where all women are empowered to strengthen America’s economy and democracy. Women’s Foundation tackles barriers to women’s economic growth and unlocks women’s economic potential through research, policy solutions and civic engagement.

"We want the next generation of women to be able to see themselves – and be inspired and empowered by – the change makers of the past," said Wendy Doyle, Women’s Foundation president and chief executive officer. "We’re proud to partner with Missouri State Parks on this name change that recognizes the significant role Olive played in managing the Boone homestead, and will continue to shine a light on the role of women to give them the recognition they deserve."

Following the ribbon-cutting ceremony and program, the site will host its first conceptual development planning meeting. The public is encouraged to come learn about the planning process, ask questions and provide input regarding future historic site use and development. Interpretive program staff also will be available to provide information and answer questions about the Boone home historic site.

Accessible parking for the event will be available in the lot located near the Boone home. The public is strongly encouraged to follow social-distancing guidelines and to be proactive in protecting themselves and others amid ongoing public health concerns. Come prepared with hand sanitizer and bottled water, avoid large and congested crowds, and please stay home if sick. Face coverings are encouraged when social-distancing measures are difficult to maintain and may be required by local orders.

For more information about the event, please contact Mike Busekrus, facility manager, at Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site at 417-751-3266.

For more information about Women’s Foundation, visit or follow them on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @womensfound).

Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site is located 2 miles north of Ash Grove at 7850 N. State Highway V.

If you have questions regarding Missouri State Parks, please contact us at Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

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