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JEFFERSON CITY, MO, JULY 1, 2020 – Jefferson Landing State Historic Site invites the public to attend the Tuesday @ 2 series beginning at 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 7. Tuesday @ 2 is a series of interactive programs exploring various aspects of Missouri's cultural and natural history for ages 8 to 12 years. Similar-themed programming for younger children, ages 4 to 7, is held at the Learning @ 11 programs. The broad theme for this summer's programs is "Growing Things." The series will explore how people, plants and animals grow in Missouri.

Tuesday @ 2 programming includes:

The Missouri Botanical Garden, 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 7:  The Missouri Botanical Garden is the oldest botanical garden in the country and has the largest Japanese Garden in North America. Participants will learn about this unique garden that attracts guests from all around the world.
The Wooliest Animals, 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 14:  From the roles of sheep on a farm to the benefits of sheep wool, participants will learn about the wonderful world of sheep.
Johnny Appleseed, 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 21:  Participants will learn who Johnny Appleseed was, why he wore his tin cooking pot on his head like a hat, what he shared with people and more.
Exotic Farming, 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 28:  When Missourians think of farms, they often think of large fields of corn, soybeans and wheat. Many might not know that one can grow almost anything in Missouri. Participants will take a look at some of the more unusual agricultural crops grown in Missouri.

Programs are held in the Lohman Building at Jefferson Landing State Historic Site. The program will be held in the first floor classroom, easily accessed from the south entrance door. Convenient parking is available in the lot next to the Lohman Building.

Participants are strongly encouraged to follow social-distancing guidelines and be proactive in protecting themselves and others amid ongoing public health concerns. Come prepared with hand sanitizer and bottled water, avoid large and congested crowds, and please stay home if sick. Face coverings are encouraged in public settings where social-distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Jefferson Landing State Historic Site is located at 100 Jefferson St., Jefferson City, Missouri 65101. For more information about the event, call the Missouri State Museum at (573) 751-2854.

If you have questions regarding Missouri State Parks, please contact us at Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

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