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District will improve and expand wastewater system

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, APRIL 12, 2021 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources awarded $4.49 million in financial assistance to the Rocky Mount Sewer District to upgrade its wastewater treatment system and expand its collection system. The project is estimated to cost nearly $4.8 million and is expected to be completed by April 2022.

The project includes extending the district's existing collection system to serve approximately 180 new homes, which are currently using private septic systems. Connecting so many homes to the district’s central wastewater treatment system not only will improve service, but also provide the additional benefit of enhancing environmental protection of the district’s surrounding area.

The project’s funding consists of a $2.49 million loan and a $2 million grant through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, along with $305,790 from other sources. The funding provided by the department is estimated to save the district’s ratepayers $2 million in principal and approximately $650,000 in interest over the loan’s 30-year term. As part of the project, the district will also refinance the $1.4 million eligible existing balance of its Series 2015 Sewerage System Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bond.

“Grants and low-interest loans through the State Revolving Fund help Missouri communities with water and wastewater treatment system improvements that they might not have been able to undertake otherwise,” said Carol Comer, director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. “We are here to help Missouri communities like Rocky Mount plan and fund infrastructure improvements that will help protect public and environmental health and provide local economic benefits as well.”

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund finances improvements to drinking water treatment plants and distribution systems, water storage and supply facilities, as well as interconnection or consolidation projects. Communities who borrow from the fund benefit from the below-market interest rate and from expert assistance a department project manager provides throughout each project.

The department’s Financial Assistance Center is committed to working with communities to assist with water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects. This project will be funded wholly or in part with monies received from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information about drinking water and wastewater funding opportunities, visit

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