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City will make sewer collection system improvements

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, MARCH 4, 2021 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources awarded a $15 million low-interest loan to the city of Springfield for upgrades to its wastewater treatment system. The funding will cover the total cost of the project, which is expected to be completed by July 2023.

The project will involve making improvements to the city’s wastewater collection system, including public sewer rehabilitation and inflow and infiltration reduction. When completed, the project is expected to result in reduced sewer overflows by increasing capacity.

Funding for the improvement project consists of a $15 million low-interest loan through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The loan is estimated to save the city’s ratepayers an estimated $2.9 million in interest over its 20-year term.

"Every community relies on key infrastructure for stability and growth, so it is crucial that those systems are kept up to date," said Governor Mike Parson. "By taking advantage of available funding assistance and expertise, communities like Springfield can make much needed updates to their water and wastewater systems and benefit from substantial cost savings."

"We believe very strongly in helping Missouri communities maintain their water treatment systems," said Carol Comer, director of the Department of Natural Resources. "One of the ways we do that is by offering financial assistance through programs like the Clean Water State Revolving Fund."

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund finances improvements to wastewater treatment facilities, sewer collection system rehabilitation and extension projects, and combined sewer overflow corrections. Funds can also be used for facility security, efficiency and conservation measures. Communities that borrow from the fund benefit from the below-market interest rate and from expert assistance from a department project manager for each project.

The department’s Financial Assistance Center is committed to working with communities to assist with water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects. This project will be funded wholly or in part with monies received from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information on wastewater and drinking water funding opportunities, visit

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