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City will make significant wastewater collection and treatment system improvements

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, FEB. 16, 2021 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources awarded
$1.36 million in financial assistance to the city of Meadville for significant upgrades to its wastewater collection and treatment system. The total project cost is estimated at $1.86 million and is expected to be completed by April 2022.

During this project, the city will install the necessary equipment to transform its current system to land-apply treated water. By converting the existing treatment system to land application, the city can recycle nutrients back into the soil, rather than discharge effluent into Missouri waterways. The city purchased 45 acres for the current 12-acre irrigation project, which includes an ecological buffer zone and allows for future expansion. The project also includes the prepayment of the prior loan associated with the land purchase. By adopting the land-application method, the city will reduce sampling costs and minimize the need for upgrades to comply with future regulation changes under the Clean Water Act.

To fund the project, the city will use a combination of department assistance programs, including a $494,000 Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) low-interest loan, a $494,000 CWSRF grant and a $371,350 Rural Sewer Grant. Combined, the funding provided by the department is estimated to save the city’s ratepayers $865,350 in principal and approximately $116,000 in interest over the loan’s 20-year term. The city also received a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant from the Department of Economic Development.

"Improving the key infrastructure that Missouri communities rely on every day continues to be one of our top priorities," said Governor Mike Parson. "We will continue doing all we can to help communities across the state with infrastructure improvement projects large and small."

"We are proud to offer communities like Meadville funding assistance to help them undertake water and wastewater improvement projects," said Carol Comer, director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. "We tailor assistance programs for cities of all sizes so they can improve their treatment systems to help protect human health and the environment and support economic development."

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund finances improvements to wastewater treatment facilities, sewer collection system rehabilitation and extension projects, and combined sewer overflow corrections. Funds can also be used for facility security, efficiency and conservation measures. Communities that borrow from the fund benefit from the below-market interest rate and from expert assistance a department project manager provides throughout each project.

The department’s Financial Assistance Center is committed to working with communities to assist with water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects. This project will be funded wholly or in part with monies received from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

For more information on wastewater and drinking water funding opportunities, visit

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