Release Date

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, MARCH 15, 2019 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has issued a Class IB Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) no-discharge Missouri State Operating Permit to Valley Oaks Real Estate LLC. The no-discharge requirement is the most restrictive effluent limitation the department can require of a permitted facility and is protective of water quality. 

Valley Oaks Real Estate LLC operates an animal feeding operation located at 1921 W. Highway 50, Lone Jack. The Class IB permit allows the company to house up to 6,999 beef cattle at its facility. However, the operation is currently subject to a court order requiring fewer than 999 animals on-site and cannot expand at this time. The court order does not affect the department's statutory duties or permitting authority.

The department reviewed the application for completeness and compliance with the Missouri Clean Water Law. Issuance of this permit was based on the facility components, operational plans, storage capacity and other detailed information provided with the application. 

Any parties adversely affected or aggrieved by the department’s decision to approve the permit request and issue the final permit may appeal to the Administrative Hearing Commission by filing a written petition within 30 days from issuance (April 15, 2019).

The final permit and additional information are available on the department’s website at or by contacting the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Water Protection Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176, by telephone at 573-522-4502 or 800-361-4827 or by email at

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