Welcome to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ social media moderation policy. Our social media platforms are intended to present matters of public interest concerning the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Division of Missouri State Parks activities and photos. We welcome your comments, however, please note our social media pages are moderated online discussion pages and not public forums. Furthermore, while we encourage discussion, we respectfully request that commentators be mindful that these are family friendly pages, and that comments and posts be courteous and civil. Comments or posts made by the public to Department of Natural Resources social media accounts will be monitored, and while they will not be removed based on their opinion or viewpoint, the department reserves the right to remove comments that include:

  • Comments unrelated to the purpose and topical scope of the page
  • Obscenities
  • Personal identifying information or sensitive personal information
  • Incitement to imminent lawless action
  • Fighting words
  • True threats
  • Fraud
  • Defamation (libel/slander)
  • Solicitations to commit, or speech integral to, criminal conduct
  • Information that could reasonably compromise public safety
  • Promotion or advertisement of a business or commercial transaction
  • Promotion or endorsement in favor of, or in opposition to, a political campaign or candidate
  • Apparent spam
  • Content posted by automatic software programs (i.e., “bots”)
  • Copyrighted material (if posted without the copyright holder’s consent)

The department may take steps to remove a comment if it falls within one of the foregoing categories. By posting or commenting you agree to these terms of use. Frequent and repeated violations of these terms may result in a temporary or permanent loss in posting privileges. You participate at your own risk, and recognize that by posting on these pages, you are personally responsible for your comments and any information provided.

Violations of our terms may go unnoticed as the pages are not monitored 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week. If you as a user discover any comments or posts that seem to violate our terms, please send us a private message. The department disclaims liability for advertisements, videos, promoted content or comments posted by visitors to these pages. The responsibility for external content of comments rests solely with the organizations or individuals providing them.

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