May. 5 - Jun. 5 — Statewide
Proposed 2023 Annual Ongoing Data Requirements Report for Sulfur Dioxide Public Comment Period, May 5, 2023 to June 5, 2023

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' completed its proposed 2023 Annual Ongoing Data Requirements Report for Sulfur Dioxide. The department invites the public to review and offer…

Area of Focus: Air
Event Type: Public Notice/ Public Comment
Organization: Air Pollution Control Program

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' completed its proposed 2023 Annual Ongoing Data Requirements Report for Sulfur Dioxide. The department invites the public to review and offer written comments on the proposed report until June 5, 2023. The public can review the proposed report below. 

Written comments may be submitted by mail to Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Air Pollution Control Program, PO Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 or by email to apcpsip@dnr.mo.gov. Comments submitted by email are limited to 20 MB in size. Comments larger than 20 MB need to be submitted by mail to the address above.  

According to Code of Federal Regulations 40 C.F.R. § 51.1205, the report assesses current sulfur dioxide emission levels at sources in areas of the state that were designated attainment of the 2010 sulfur dioxide standard. The report also includes recommendations as to whether additional modeling is needed for any of these areas to determine their ongoing attainment status. The department will consider all comments received before submitting the report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by July 1, 2023.

Meeting or Hearing
No public meeting or public hearing scheduled.