
Division of Energy

fact sheet

Division of Energy

Director: Emily Wilbur

In accordance with Sections 414.400-414.417, RSMo 1994, the Division of Energy provides the following worksheets to state agencies to assist in managing fleet fuel use reduction and alternative fuel vehicles (AFV) acquisitions. Annual reports using these worksheets are due Sept. 1 of each year.

Missouri State Fleet - Acquisitions and Conversions, Form--780-1663
Missouri State Fleet - Operations, Form--780-1664
CAFE Ratings - 2020 Model Year Vehicles

Contact the Division of Energy if you have additional questions.

In addition to state reporting requirements, U.S. DOE requires state fleets and certain fuel providers to report acquisition of Alternative Fuel Vehicles. Additional information can be located at the U.S. DOE Alternative Fuel Vehicles Transportation Program website.

Nothing in this document may be used to implement any enforcement action or levy any penalty unless promulgated by rule under chapter 536 or authorized by statute.

For more information