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JEFFERSON CITY, MO, APRIL 18, 2018 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources partnered with the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Bomb Squad this week. Three times a year, the department’s Environmental Emergency Response team trains on various aspects of hazardous materials incidents, specifically related to protecting the public’s safety and the environment. 

EER staff relied upon multiple field instruments to help identify various potentially explosive substances. Master Sergeant Kevin Hunter, of the patrol’s Bomb Squad, oversaw the training. After substance identification, Highway Patrol Troopers detonated multiple explosives to demonstrate how the color of smoke produced during an explosion can help responders identify the explosive materials used in bombings.   

When EER comes upon unknown substances, they often must rely upon their equipment to help identify whether the substance could be reactive or unstable. Depending on what is identified, the department may ask the Bomb Squad to be a part of the investigation. If a substance is ultimately determined too unstable to safely transport and dispose, technicians with the patrol's Bomb Squad may be requested to safely detonate the material.

This exercise not only helped train the department's Environmental Emergency Response staff, it enabled the Bomb Squad personnel to perform required periodic training on basic demolition techniques.  

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