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JEFFERSON CITY, MO, FEB. 16, 2022 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Missouri Geological Survey made substantial improvements to a popular water well data application. It is now easier to learn about domestic bedrock water well construction requirements in Missouri using a new ArcGIS Online application. The Well Installation Section Drilling Information Map application, called WISDIM, organizes minimum construction requirements from across the state and provides this information online.

Missouri has been partitioned into 13 drilling areas with varying construction specifications determined by their unique geologic and hydrologic features, along with certain environmental factors. This information is critical to groundwater protection and proper well construction.

“We are very pleased to make this new online tool available. It brings together well construction requirements for all 13 of Missouri’s drilling areas in one place,” said Dru Buntin, director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

Information displayed for each location on the interactive map includes: minimum well casing and grout depth requirements for bedrock wells, and a link to the full set of regulations (10 CSR 23).

“Users can search within the app for a physical address to find domestic bedrock water well drilling requirements and locations and information about a number of well types including: water, heat pump, monitoring, reconstructed, abandoned, mineral hole, oil and gas. Information about well cores and cuttings, and well logs also are available using the app,” said Jerry Prewett, assistant state geologist and deputy director of the department’s Missouri Geological Survey.

Access the WISDIM application online at

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